IMAGINE ACTION... YOUR WAY!  —  Spring 2002
Sponsored by the Tompkins County Health Planning Council, and the Health Promotion Program, Tompkins County Health Department


Frequently Asked Questions about Imagine Action... Your Way!

What is it? Is this "Imagine Action"?


This year, the spring physical activity program combines some of the features of "Imagine Action" with " Physical Activity Counts," a way to keep track of the amount of time you're physically active.

We all know that physical activity is important. And we know it's fun. "Imagine Action" helped us to keep track of "all of the fun" we were having and it motivated us to challenge ourselves and our co-workers and friends. You can still do that with "Imagine Action, Your Way" with the help of the "PAC" scoresheets.

When does it start?


It starts whenever you want it to and you can keep it going as long as you like. Check in with your co-workers, people who may have participated in "Imagine Action" before and decide if you would like to challenge each other to become more physically active this spring.

What do we need to do to get started?


The only supplies you need are scoresheets. Contact the Health Promotion Program at 274-6710 or We'll send you, through inter-office mail, a poster with a pad of personal scoresheets.

Each pad contains 50 scoresheets. The pads are intended for a group of people in a work area. For example, 8 people would have enough sheets to last them 5 weeks (with a few left over). But you decide what works best for you.

What do we do with the scoresheets? Do we send them in when they're completed each week?


You don't send in or return the sheets. You and your group keep track of scores, if you want to. Since you may have participated in "Imagine Action" before, you know how to set up challenges, drawings and how to encourage yourself and your co-workers to be more active. You know what works best for you. Check the website, for some ideas.

Some ideas:
- You may want to have a pot luck lunch when you're group has met it's goal.
- Your group can chip in to purchase a gift certificate to a sporting goods store towards the purchase of walking shoes. The person with the most points at the end of 4 weeks, for example, wins the gift certificate. Or the group could chip in to buy a bouquet of summer flowers.

Welcome the season and have fun!

How do we win prizes?


You decide if you want to have prizes or not. The Wellness Committee and the Health Planning council are not providing prizes this year. Think about setting goals for your group and choosing a reward or prize that all of you would enjoy working towards.

Why are scoresheets only being supplied to groups?


One of the goals of the Physical Activity Counts (PAC) program is to encourage co-workers at worksites around Tompkins County to support each other when it comes to getting regular physical activity (PA).

Getting regular PA is a big -- and often difficult -- lifestyle change for most people (only about 1/4 of New Yorkers get the recommended amount of PA. Close to another 1/4 get no PA.) Support and encouragement from friends and co-workers can be critical to the process of setting and achieving challenging goals.

I've always done Imagine Action on my own rather than with a group or team. Why can't I do that this year?


You can still work on your own. The PAC program that is part of this year's Imagine Action (see above) encourages co-workers to support each other when striving to get regular physical activity.

Still, it is up to each individual to look for the best way to bring regular PA into their daily or weekly routine. For some that might mean working alone, while others may make better progress with a buddy, in a small group, or by 2-3 groups setting up a team challenge. Visit one of the PAC pages listed below for more info.

Why does the scoresheet we get for Imagine Action say PAC on it?


This year, the spring physical activity program combines some of the features of "Imagine Action" with " Physical Activity Counts" (PAC), a way to keep track of the amount of time you're physically active.

Worksites in Tompkins County have been participating in -- and looking forward to -- Imagine Action for the past number of years. The PAC program is new, developed by the Health Promotion Program at the Health Department. The PAC program encourages co-workers to support each other when striving to get regular physical activity.

Do I have to see a doctor before I start Imagine Action?


The following is from the American Heart Association web site:*
    "People middle-aged or older who are inactive and at high risk for heart disease (or who already have a medical condition) should seek medical advice before they start or significantly increase their physical activity. Most apparently healthy people of any age can safely engage in moderate levels of physical activity (e.g. moderate walking, gardening, yard work) without consulting a doctor first."
* >Healthy Lifestyle >Exercise & Fitness >Physical Activity in Daily Life >Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Health: Q & A. Accessed January 2002


Get more details here...

Physical Activity Counts home page
PAC Scoresheets

Imagine Action... Your Way! home page








Contact information for this site Imagine Action... Your Way! Physical Activity Counts program Worksite Wellness for Tompkins County 5 A Day Challenge

Tompkins County Health Department

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