Help for your family is just a phone call away... (607) 274-6644
We have an urgent need for LCSWs, Special Instruction Teachers and SLPs. More details below.
Early Intervention Program (EI)
EI provides services to families with children from birth to three years old with developmental delays and disabilities, as well as providing services to children in this age range with a diagnosed physical or mental condition with a high probability of developmental delay or disability (such as Down syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, vision impairment, or hearing impairment.)
To determine eligibility for Early Intervention Services, an interdisciplinary evaluation of 5 areas of development (communication, social-emotional, adaptive, cognitive, and physical development) is conducted. A Family Needs Assessment is offered at the time of the evaluation as well.
A child is eligible for services through Early Intervention when they meet the criteria set by the NYS Dept of Health, based on the degree of delay in one or more areas of development and/or the child's diagnosis. If the family is interested in receiving Early Intervention services, the information gathered is used to create an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
Referral sources for Early Intervention include parents, physicians, hospitals, Dept of Social Services and other community agencies working with the family.
EI is voluntary and is provided at no direct cost to families.
Child Find
Child Find is a system used to identify children from birth to age three who are at risk for, or suspected of, having a developmental delay.
Using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ), a Registered Nurse works with the family and the child’s primary care provider to monitor 5 areas of development over time (communication, social-emotional, adaptive, cognitive, and physical development).
When a potentially qualifying delay is identified, with parental consent, a child may be referred for evaluation and determination of eligibility for services through the Early Intervention Program.
When a child who is referred directly to the Early Intervention program by the referral source does not meet the eligibility criteria for Early Intervention services, the family may choose to enroll the child in the Child Find Program for developmental monitoring. They will then receive developmental questionnaires (as above) and information to support the child’s development.
Referral sources for Child Find include parents, physicians, hospitals, Dept of Social Services and other community agencies working with the family.
Child Find is voluntary and is provided at no direct cost to families.
Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs
The CYSHCN program serves families with Children from birth to age 21 who have or are suspected of having a serious or chronic physical, developmental, behavioral, or emotional condition, and who require health care and related services beyond that which children generally need.
The CYSHCN program:
- Identifies resources to help meet the needs of families with children with special health care needs.
- Provides information and referral services to promote access to adequate health care, health insurance, Medicaid managed care, NYS and local community resources, supports, and services to address the special health care needs of the child as well as attending to the social determinants health which impact the child and family (including housing, food, clothing, transportation, etc.)
- Supports families in navigating systems of care by referring families to care coordinating agencies, and/or working in conjunctions with other agencies to help with applications to gain access to resources, supports and services.
- Offers follow up and short term case management as necessary.
CYSHCN collaborates with other programs, organizations, and individuals in the community to:
- Identify gaps and barriers to accessing care, resources, and services and works toward closing the gaps and removing the barriers.
- Promote education regarding the needs of children with chronic illnesses and/or disabilities.
Referral sources for CYSHCN include parents, physicians, hospitals, Dept of Social Services and other community agencies working with the family.
CYSHCN is voluntary and is provided at no direct cost to families.
Urgent Need: LCSWs, SLPs, and Special Instruction Teachers
The Tompkins County Health Department is looking for qualified Licensed Clinical Social Workers (LCSWs), Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs), and Special Instruction Teachers to provide services in the Early Intervention Program and Preschool Services to children birth to age 4. Provide care in a team-based approach working closely with a Service Coordinator and other therapists.
If you are a qualified provider or want more information on working in these programs, please call CSCN at 607-274-6644 during regular business hours so that we can get in touch with you.