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How Do I Register to vote, change my party or my address?  



1.To Register to vote online: 

Go to MY DMV (Must have a NYS Driver's License or Non Drivers ID Card);

You can register to vote online using the New York State Board of Elections' Online Voter Registration portal.


2. 上網列印選民登記表 pdf,填寫表格、簽名並註明日期後郵寄或攜至本委員會:128 E. Buffalo St., Ithaca, NY。您的電腦必須安裝 Adobe Acrobat 才能瀏覽此檔案。如果出現全白螢幕,請按「重新整理」,或是停用彈出式視窗攔截功能。請務必點擊 Adobe 工具列中的印表機圖示,而非瀏覽器工具列。

軍人和海外選民(使用 FPCA 不在籍申請)


3. 致電 274-5521 要求以郵寄方式領取,或親赴本委員會領取:128 E. Buffalo Street, Ithaca, NY 14850  




You must be a registered voter in order to vote in the general or primary elections. To register, you must be a United States citizen, be 18 years old (you may pre-register at 16 or 17 but cannot vote until you are 18), live at your present address for at least 30 days before an election, and not claim the right to vote elsewhere. You may not register or vote if you are in prison for a felony conviction.