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2020 News Archives

Governor Cuomo has announced that testing for COVID-19 will be made available for essential workers, in addition to individuals who should seek testing because they are symptomatic or were in close contact with someone who has tested positive. Public Health Director Frank Kruppa said, “As many…
Following the Governor’s Executive Order 202.16, the Tompkins County Health Department is initiating a collaborative effort to produce and distribute cloth masks for essential workers. Essential businesses can request cloth masks for their employees through a process set up by the Tompkins County…
The Tompkins County Health Department received notification that a Mirabito employee who works at the Lansing Mirabito Convenience Store is a confirmed COVID-19 case. Potential exposures may have occurred during two shifts at Mirabito, located at 32 Peruville Rd., Lansing, NY 14882:  Thursday,…
The Tompkins County Department of Recycling and Materials Management (TCRMM) would like to remind residents to put cardboard in their recycling bin rather than stacking it to the side. This would allow recycling collectors to touch fewer surfaces while picking up recycling bins and dumping their…
In a brief ceremony at the Department of Emergency Response on Friday, the DoER Large Conference Room was renamed as a lasting tribute to former director Lee Shurtleff, who is retiring after 32 years of service to Tompkins County. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, social distancing protocols…
Tompkins County is temporarily restricting access to its departments and onsite workforce. These measures will help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and to keep Tompkins County employees safe as they work to maintain critical services to the community and its residents. All departments not noted…
By Executive Order by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, the Tompkins County DMV has been closed to the public for all in-person transactions.  However, we have deemed essential some transactions to make sure residents have access during this time.  The Tompkins County Department of Motor Vehicles…
On Thursday, March 26th, Tompkins County officials were notified by a private employer at the Ithaca Tompkins International Airport that one of their employees had tested positive for COVID-19. The Tompkins County Health Department has completed a thorough contact investigation to identify close…
The Tompkins County Health Department was notified today (3/27) about 16 additional positive cases of COVID-19 in our community, bringing our total to 48 cases. As the number of positive test results has increased, we have evidence of community spread. Community spread is defined when individuals…
The Tompkins County Health Department received notification of a confirmed COVID-19 case in a food worker. The individual worked two shifts at Mango Mango Dessert, a restaurant located at 159 Dryden Rd., Ithaca, NY. The food worker was at Mango Mango Dessert on the following dates: Saturday,…