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Health Alert: Lansing Mirabito Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19

The Tompkins County Health Department received notification that a Mirabito employee who works at the Lansing Mirabito Convenience Store is a confirmed COVID-19 case.

Potential exposures may have occurred during two shifts at Mirabito, located at 32 Peruville Rd., Lansing, NY 14882:

  •  Thursday, April 9, 8:45 AM – 1:30 PM
  •  Friday, April 10, 2:00 PM – 6:30 PM

If you went inside the store during the dates and times above, please do the following:

  •  It is recommended that you get tested at the Cayuga Health Sampling Site located at The Shops at Ithaca Mall parking lot, 40 Catherwood Rd., between the hours of 10am-3pm Monday through Friday. Pre-register online or call the Cayuga Health Call Center at 607-319-5708.
  • Self-quarantine in your home for 14 days from the last date you were inside the Convenience Store. Refer here for more information about how to self-quarantine.
  •  If you seek testing and the result is negative, continue to self-quarantine and monitor yourself for the full 14 days from the last time you were inside the Convenience Store. If you become symptomatic, seek testing again.
  •  Monitor your health for any symptoms of cough, fever, and shortness of breath.

If you pumped gas or went to the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru, you do not need to seek testing.

“Following a thorough contact investigation by our nurses, it was determined that to reduce further exposure, we are encouraging individuals who may have come in contact with the infected individual to act in the community’s best interest, get tested, and self-quarantine even if they are not exhibiting symptoms,” stated Frank Kruppa, Public Health Director.

The Convenience Store is currently closed, and thorough disinfection of the area is occurring.

The public needs to prevent the spread of COVID-19 not just to protect themselves, but others in our community who are most vulnerable to getting very sick – older adults, those who are immune-compromised, and those with underlying chronic health conditions. Everyone can take these steps to stop the spread of COVID-19 and “flatten the curve” in our community:

  •  Stay home, even if you don’t feel sick, unless absolutely necessary.
  •  Wash hands well and often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  •  Keep 6 feet distance between yourself and others when in public.
  •  Avoid close contact with other people.
  •  Cover coughs and sneezes.
  •  Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.
  •  Physical Distancing does not mean emotional isolation, check on friends, coworkers, neighbors through phone and text.
  •  Wear a cloth face covering in public settings where physical distancing is difficult to maintain (eg. grocery stores and pharmacies).

As this situation evolves, check the TCHD website for updates. Frequently Asked Questions are here:

Stay informed. Get updated information on COVID-19 at: NYS DOH:

A hotline is available for New Yorkers to call for information about COVID-19: 1-888-364-3065.