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欢迎!Dan Klein, Tompkins County Legislature

Our County Government delivers a high level of service to residents each and every day. Our County Government helps people find jobs, manages over 300 miles of county roads, responds to emergencies, keeps the community healthy, safe and vibrant, manages records and technology important to people’s lives, delivers critical programs to people in need, oversees local elections, the list goes on - and our responsibility to keeping these services running and supported has never been greater.

We have a responsive Legislature with a tradition of investing in what matters to our organization and our residents. Local government feels closer to people’s lives than ever before. Our successes and challenges have deep and lasting impacts on the lives of our constituents and neighbors. It is my sincere hope that the Tompkins County Legislature will continue to make the investments to reflect our roles in people’s lives, and continue to take our responsibility seriously.

Dan Klein, Chair, Tompkins County Legislature




  • 公众服务
  • 公共卫生
  • 公共安全和惩戒
  • 道路与养护
  • 公共记录
  • 选举


The Role Of County Government

County government in New York State is unique in the diversity of services counties offer.

Beyond the functions common to all levels of local government—such as police protection and road maintenance—counties are responsible for a wide range of human services that are delegated to the counties by the State. In fact, counties were originally created as administrative subdivisions of State government to carry out State functions. While the role of counties has grown, many of the State’s largest and most important social programs continue to be delegated to, and delivered by counties.

Tompkins County, like New York State’s other counties, is responsible for delivering programs that assist people who are facing economic hardship, are vulnerable to abuse or exploitation, or suffer from mental illness or developmental delays. Counties are the State’s front line of defense in protecting the public’s health and play a primary role in maintaining the public’s safety. Counties operate jails, prosecute those charged with criminal offenses, provide free legal counsel for those who cannot afford their own attorney, and supervise those who are on probation. Counties also serve as the main repository for public records and manage the elections process.

In addition to these and other mandated responsibilities, Tompkins County provides police protection through a sheriff’s office, operates a countywide 911 Center, provides planning guidance, and maintains an extensive system of roads and bridges. Tompkins County is one of only two counties in the State to operate a consolidated Assessment Department.

Read more about the role of municipal governments in New York State in this Local Government Handbook


汤普金斯县成立于 1817 年。自 1970以来,县政府遵照县章,采用立法机关-行政机关形式运作。


  • 监督县服务和支出
  • 制定政策并确定财务资源的最佳用途
  • 任命县行政长官、县财政总监、县检察官和立法书记官
  • 每四年从人口规模大致相等的地区选出立法者
  • 从 2014 开始,选区立法者的数量从 15 减至 14 ,这是 2010 人口普查后重新划分选区的结果。


  • 监督和协调县政府
  • 执行立法机关政策
  • 任命其他非民选部门负责人,但须经立法机关确认
  • 指导县级部门职员提供服务,同时与非营利机构和服务提供商签订合同以提供服务





汤普金斯县政府委员会 (TCCOG) 是一个由地方政府组成的联合会,旨在提供一个讨论和协商的论坛,帮助达成协议,以便更高效、更负责任地提供政府服务。汤普金斯县政府委员会 (TCCOG) 的一项举措是成立大汤普金斯县市政医疗保险联合会