Vision Statement

Tompkins County Workforce Development Board positions a world-class workforce with skills to meet in-demand occupations in the county’s rapidly growing sectors and maintains economic competitiveness in the local and global marketplace.

Declaración de objetivos

The Workforce Development Board will enhance the productivity and competitiveness of Tompkins County by developing and coordinating resources that meet employer workforce needs and facilitate employment and development opportunities for individuals.

Our Purpose

The Workforce Development Board administers federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds and other funds in a locally planned and controlled manner, providing short and long‐term planning for the workforce so companies can grow and expand and build workers’ capacity to pursue vocationally and economically rewarding work.

The quality of our local workforce has a direct impact on economic growth. The success or failure of companies is contingent on a quality workforce. Our role is to ensure a trained workforce is available and our residents can pursue vocationally and economically rewarding work.

Who We Serve

The Workforce Development Board provides services to Tompkins County residents who are either Adults/Dislocated Workers, Unemployed or Underemployed persons, and part of the emerging Youth workforce. Some funds are means‐based, striving to support those with the most barriers to seeking, obtaining, and retaining employment. We also serve the business community, providing invaluable partnerships and connections for those seeking employees as well as those seeking work.


Creating pathways to better careers and economic growth.
