Achieving Youth Results

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How well are Tompkins County youth really doing?

How will we know when are youth are doing better? Or worse?

The work of Achieving Youth Results is bringing our community together to develop an action plan for the Tompkins County community to more fully support youth and their families. 

Achieving Youth Results tracks countywide indicators or data allowing us to build an action plan to support youth as we attempt to reach six goals.  While there are no perfect indicators to measure how well young people are doing, this is an opportunity to showcase how the work of various community partners makes progress toward a set of community goals.  By tracking indicators and exploring the story behind the data we will be better able to see what additional or changing supports our community may need to achieve the youth results we desire. For more information on the AYR process please visit this presentation provided to the Tompkins County Legislature. 

All funding provided to youth service agencies by the Tompkins County Youth Services Department is provided to agencies that are contributing to reach the AYR goals and improve the indicators. Please click on one of the following goals to see the community indicators and how agencies funded by Tompkins County Youth Services are contributing to the achievement of their success. To better understand how the agency report card works, please view our sample here.

The indicator data were updated in November 2021.

Community– Tompkins County will provide children, youth, and families with healthy, safe, and thriving environments

Economic Security– Youth will be prepared for their eventual economic self sufficiency

Education– Youth will leave school prepared to live, learn, and work in their community

Engagement– Children and youth will demonstrate commitment to their community as contributing members of their families, schools, and neighborhood

Family– Families will provide children with safe, stable and nurturing environments

Physical and Emotional Health– Children and youth will have optimal physical and emotional health



2018 Providing Resources for Achieving Youth Results

The work of Achieving Youth Results brought our community together to develop an action plan for Tompkins County which may more fully support youth and their families. Through over seventy sessions our community spoke clearly about ways to build on current success to provide further opportunities for young people to thrive. As the community experts we now reach back out to you to make these ideas a reality.

In the spirit of innovation and growth, the Youth Services Department hosted a community-wide AYR Pitch Contest in February of 2018.  This was an opportunity for Tompkins County non-profits to compete for funding “Shark Tank” style. Those competing were matched with community coaches, leaders in the community that could support and help prepare the non-profits presenting. To read more about the Pitch Contest, visit 19/almost-pitch-perfect/ for the featured article in Tompkins Weekly by Jamie Swinnerton.