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Consommation d'opioïdes et ressources

 In crisis? Call or text 988  If there is imminent danger to anyone, dial 9-1-1. Additional contacts.

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Substance Use Data

Appels au 911 pour les urgences liées aux overdoses

Tous les appels reçus par le centre 9-1-1 du comté de Tompkins sont codés en fonction du type d'urgence. Le code (appelé code de nature) indique au dispatcheur s'il doit confier l'urgence à la police, aux pompiers ou aux services médicaux d'urgence.  

Lorsque le dispatcheur 9-1-1 reçoit un appel d'assistance médicale, il pose à l'appelant certaines questions clés pour déterminer si la cause pourrait être due à la drogue, conformément aux protocoles établis par le programme de répartition des urgences médicales du département. Parfois, la cause est connue de l'appelant, et d'autres fois, le dispatcheur prend la décision de codage sur la base des réponses à ses questions, d'autres circonstances et de ses années d'expérience. 

Total number of 9-1-1 calls per month that are C.A.D. coded as "Overdose/Poisoning," 2019-present. Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) calls, Nature Code for “Overdoses/Poisoning.” Source: Tompkins County Department of Emergency Response (DoER).

Source des données : TC Department of Emergency Response (DoER).

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Drug-Related Deaths

For the purposes of these data, the following definitions are based on records filed by the Tompkins County Medical Examiner (TCME)

  • Unintentional Fatal Overdoses” includes those for which the “Manner of Death” is classified as an accident and substances identified in a toxicology screening are ruled as the immediate cause of death.
  • Drug Related Deaths” includes all deaths in which drugs are involved. In these cases, the immediate cause of death is not or not solely drugs, and drugs are often listed under “Other significant contributions.” These also include those in which the manner of death is not ruled as an accident.

Unintentional Overdose Deaths

The following graphs are intended to provide relevant demographic information about those who died from drug overdose identified as accidental during the years 2019-2023. The larger sample size provided by totaling across five years increases both confidentiality of the individuals involved and confidence in how the data is interpreted. Use the tabs above the graphs to navigate across 10 graphs. Tap or hover over any bar to see details.

This dataset will be updated annually. 

Décès liés à la drogue

Deaths may include overdose deaths due to pharmaceutically and illicitly produced, naturally occurring, semi-synthetic, and synthetic drugs. Deaths represented in this graph may not be attributed to overdose.

Death investigations may require weeks or months to complete; while investigations are being conducted, deaths may be assigned a pending status on the death certificate. Pending causes of death may be for the results of toxicology or further investigation.

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NYS Opioid Quarterly Report

In accordance with the recommendations of the New York State Heroin and Opioid Task Force and 2016 legislation, the NYSDOH provides quarterly reports with opioid overdose information (deaths, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalizations) by county. Please note that the data presented in these are considered preliminary by the NYSDOH and should be used and interpreted with caution. Subsequent quarterly reports may contain figures which differ from a previous report due to additional confirmations, updates, and timing of data received. The reported cases are based on county of residence.

QUARTERLY RATE CALCULATION (person-years):  [# events / (population X 0.25 years)] X 100,000.

Summary of Tompkins County data published April 2024
(Provisional data as of January 2024)

Full report on the NYSDOH website

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Tableau de bord des données sur les opioïdes de l'État de New York :

Plus d'informations et de ressources :  NYSDOH Opioid Data & Reports (en anglais)

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Opioid Resources

How to lower the risk of opioid overdose

  • Never use alone. Use with others and take turns.
  • Before using drugs, ask someone you trust to check on you regularly.
  • If you are alone call the Never Use Alone hotline. Dial 1-877-696-1996. An operator will stay with you while you use, and call emergency services if needed.
  • Test your drugs. Use test strips to test your drugs for Xylazine and Fentanyl. Drugs with one of these cut in can kill you.
  • Always carry naloxone (Narcan®) with you.
  • Go slow by taking small amounts, especially if you haven’t used for a while.
  • Wait before taking more. Wait long enough to feel the effects of the drugs you took before taking more.
  • Avoid mixing with alcohol or other drugs, especially drugs that make you sleepy.
  • There is no safe dose of opioids.


Le fentanyl est une substance synthétique très addictive qui est ajoutée aux drogues illicites de la rue pour en augmenter la consommation. Elle est également fortement associée au risque de décès par overdose. Le département de la santé du comté de Tompkins a publié une alerte sanitaire pour signaler le risque élevé de présence locale de fentanyl dans les drogues de rue.

Les effets secondaires nocifs sont les suivants 

  • Sedation, confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, urinary retention, pupillary constriction, and respiratory depression.

Les signes d'overdose sont les suivants 

  • Stupor, changes in pupillary size (pinpoint size pupils), cold and clammy skin, cyanosis (blue discoloration of the skin), coma and respiratory failure leading to death. 

Stratégies de prévention des surdoses 

  • Ne jamais utiliser seul
  • Use fentanyl test strips as a precaution
  • Carry Narcan and be trained in its use
  • Rechercher un traitement et un soutien

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Xylazine (also called “tranq” or “tranq dope”) is a powerful non-opioid sedative or tranquilizer that is increasingly being found in the US illegal drug supply and linked to overdose deaths. Due to its impact on the opioid crisis, fentanyl mixed (adulterated) with xylazine has been declared an emerging threat by the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy. In one study, xylazine was found in almost 80% of drug samples that contained opioids (Maryland, 2021-2022). In another, xylazine was found in 31% of heroin and/or fentanyl overdose deaths (Philadelphia, 2019). [Source: CDC]

Symptoms and health risks of xylazine

  • Sedation, difficulty breathing, dangerously low blood pressure, slowed heart rate, wounds that can become infected, severe withdrawal symptoms, death.

Reduce the overdose and the harms of overdose 

  • Never use alone.
  • Provide rescue breaths, especially for people who have used xylazine since xylazine causes breathing to slow down. Harm reduction experts also suggest rolling individuals on their side, into the recovery position.
  • Carry naloxone and learn how to use it. Because xylazine is often mixed with opioids like fentanyl, naloxone should be given in response to a suspected overdose to reverse any possible opioid effects. Importantly, naloxone will not reverse effects of xylazine. In the event of an overdose, call 911 for additional medical treatment.
  • Reduce injection-related risks by using sterile injection equipment, rotating injection sites, allowing skin veins time to heal before another use, and taking drugs in other ways besides injection.
  • Test drugs before using. There are commercially available test strips to test for the presence of xylazine in a sample of drugs. Test strips are available free of cost at a variety of local programs (see "Local services and support" section below).

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Test Strips for fentanyl and xylazine

  • Fentanyl and Xylazine Test Strips can tell you if your drugs contain the synthetic opioid Fentanyl or the non-opioid sedative Xylazine. Both are frequently found in street drugs. Xylazine is always cut in with fentanyl, so drugs that test positive for xylazine will also contain fentanyl.
  • If used correctly, these test strips can help to prevent overdose deaths and, with other risk reduction practices, save your life.
  • Fentanyl Test Strips are blue and marked with the letters “FYL”.
  • Xylazine Test Strips are red and marked with the letters “XYL”.

Image with steps typed out for how to test with test strips. Right click to open the image to full size or click the link below for a PDF version

Image with steps typed out for how to test with test strips. Right click to open the image to full size or click the link below for a PDF version

PDF version for how to use xylazine and fentanyl test strips. 

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Naloxone (Narcan®)

Naloxone (Narcan®) is a medicine that can reverse the effects of an overdose from opioids, including fentanyl, heroin, and opioid-based pain killers. It is a tool that community members can use to prevent an overdose from becoming a death.


Using Naloxone

Used correctly, naloxone can reverse an opioid overdose. It works by temporarily displacing the opioids from the opioid receptors in the brain. This allows the person who is experiencing an opioid overdose to begin breathing normally. The effect of naloxone wears off after about 30 to 90 minutes and the impacts of the overdose may return. If the overdose victim does not respond within 2 minutes of giving it, or if the naloxone wears off, a second dose should be given. There is no safety risk associated with naloxone. Click here to open a 5-step guide for giving naloxone nasal spray. Remember to always DIAL 9-1-1 FIRST. (Click here for a PDF.)

Watch this video. It shows you the signs of an overdose and how to respond and take the steps to prevent opioid overdose.

For a quick "Naloxone/Narcan How-To", click here to watch a 30 second video.

If you feel the need to receive further information on how to use Naloxone (Narcan®), dial 2-1-1 for information about where you can get trained on how to use Naloxone (Narcan®) in our community.

Carry Naloxone with you

A statewide pharmacy standing order allows anyone* to get naloxone (Narcan®) nasal spray at a pharmacy without a prescription in NYS. Ask for it at the pharmacy counter. Insurance covers up to $40 copay. If you don’t have insurance you can buy naloxone at the pharmacy or you can get it for free at one of the local community agencies listed below. Or dial 2-1-1 for additional assistance.

*Dispensing to adolescents under age 18 is at the discretion of the pharmacist.


Community Overdose Prevention Education: Project COPE website
Harm reduction tools and strategies to prevent overdose deaths and save lives in our community.

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Local and regional services and support


  • Appelez immédiatement le 911 si vous ou une personne de votre entourage avez une urgence médicale.
  • Suicide Prevention and Crisis Service, Crisis Line, 9-8-8, offre des conseils gratuits et confidentiels en cas de crise, disponibles 24/7.

La prévention

  • Southern Tier AIDS Program (STAP) : fournit des services complets de lutte contre le VIH/sida dans le sud de l'État de New York. Ils proposent le programme de prévention des overdoses d'opioïdes, qui fournit aux individus une formation, un kit de naloxone et une ordonnance pour pouvoir transporter et distribuer ce médicament qui peut sauver des vies.
  • La page d'accueil de la Mental Health Association in Tompkins County a été créée en 1954, pour répondre aux besoins de la communauté d'Ithaca en matière de santé mentale.
    • Le Jenkins Center for Hope and Recovery est un centre d'accueil pour les personnes qui utilisent ou ont utilisé des services de santé mentale. Le Jenkins Center offre un environnement sûr où les personnes souffrant de troubles mentaux peuvent se détendre, s'amuser avec leurs pairs et partager des informations et du soutien.
  • Le New York State Office of Addiction Services and Supports héberge « Project COPE », un site web qui promeut la prévention des overdoses et l'éducation à la réduction des risques dans l'État de New York. L'objectif de cette initiative est de donner aux gens les moyens d'apprendre à prévenir les overdoses et à sauver des vies au sein de leur communauté.
  • Ressources supplémentaires pour les services de prévention : NYS AIDS Institute Provider Directory


  • Sites de collecte et d'élimination des seringues dans le comté de Tompkins
  • Never Use Alone hotline. Dial 1-877-696-1996. An operator will stay with you while you use, and call emergency services if needed.
  • Test strips for Fentanyl and test strips for xylazine are available for free at the Southern Tier AIDS Program, REACH Medical, Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services, and Tompkins County Whole Health's office at 201 E. Green St.
  • Narcan, fentanyl testing strips and xylazine testing strips can be ordered free of cost and delivered to your home via NYS OASAS. Complete the order form online at:
  • MATTERS facilitates rapid referrals to outpatient treatment for opioid and substance use disorders. Referrals are submitted online 24/7, 365 days a year by participating referral sites throughout NYS. Individuals may request test strips through the MATTERS website. Find them at Get the MATTERS Network mobile app on the App Store or Google Play.
  • Les groupes de soutien communautaires sont disponibles pour les individus afin de les aider dans leur rétablissement personnel, ainsi que pour les amis et les familles touchés par la consommation de substances psychoactives de leur proche.

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  • Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services (CARS) offers intensive residential and out-patient treatment services, including Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). CARS offers Open Access Monday thru Thursday from 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Clients need only to bring an insurance card, if they have one. 607-273-5500.
  • REACH Medical provides medical and behavioral services, including MAT. The REACH Project is a non-profit operating as a low threshold, harm reduction medical practice in Ithaca. Reach Medical offers a wide range of services including: opioid replacement therapy, medical cannabis certification, Hep C treatment, primary care and behavioral services, in a stigma-free, inclusive setting. 607-273-7000. REACH Project Facebook page.
  • NYS Office of Addiction Services & Support (OASAS) : Treatment Finder
  • About Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)


  • Ithaca Community Recovery, is a non-profit organization that provides a meeting and activity space for Ithaca’s recovering community. They host a variety of meetings, including Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon Meetings, Narcotics Anonymous, and more. Go to their website for meeting schedules.
  • Mental Health Association in Tompkins County was established in 1954 to address mental health needs in the Ithaca community.
    • Le Jenkins Center for Hope and Recovery est un centre d'accueil pour les personnes qui utilisent ou ont utilisé des services de santé mentale. Le Jenkins Center offre un environnement sûr où les personnes souffrant de troubles mentaux peuvent se détendre, s'amuser avec leurs pairs et partager des informations et du soutien.

Prévention du suicide

  • Suicide Prevention and Crisis Service, offre des conseils gratuits et confidentiels en cas de crise. La ligne d'écoute est disponible 24/7 au 9-8-8.
  • Tompkins County Suicide Prevention Coalition.
  • The Sophie Fund, Inc., une société caritative à but non lucratif créée en 2017 pour soutenir les initiatives en matière de santé mentale destinées aux jeunes de l'agglomération d'Ithaca et du comté de Tompkins. Elle soutient des programmes et des projets, sensibilise et lutte contre la stigmatisation des maladies mentales et de leur traitement, promeut une éthique « zéro suicide » au sein de la communauté et défend les intérêts des jeunes qui luttent contre les maladies mentales. 

Ligne d'assistance nationale

  • SAMHSA, 1-800-662-4357 (HELP). La ligne d'assistance téléphonique fournit des informations gratuites et confidentielles en anglais et en espagnol aux personnes et aux membres de leur famille confrontés à des problèmes de toxicomanie et de santé mentale. 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7. Le site web propose également un outil de localisation des services de traitement les plus proches en fonction du code postal saisi.
  • Ressources SAMHSA pour les familles confrontées à des troubles mentaux et à des troubles liés à l'utilisation de substances psychoactives

 Need help finding help?   Dial 2-1-1 (877-211-8667) for supportive referrals.

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