Your Tompkins County government offers many services for all local residents. Each section on this page links to important services and information that you can use to learn more about the County and access different services for you or your family.
If you're more comfortable calling for local information, dial 2-1-1 (or 1-877-211-8667) for quick connections to local services.
If you're looking for something else, click here for a listing of every County department by name.
Santé et sécurité
Health & Wellness Resources
Tompkins County Whole Health offers services for mental, physical, and environmental health. Services for families and youth, post-partum services, mental health services, and other community programs are available.
Centre de santé mentale
Meeting the needs of the residents of Tompkins County in the areas of mental health, developmental disabilities, and chemical dependency by providing prevention and early detection, comprehensively planned care, treatment, and rehabilitation services. Walk-in and same day mental health clinic services are available.
Personalized Recovery
Personalized Recovery Oriented Services (PROS) is a comprehensive recovery-oriented program for adults with severe and persistent mental illness. The main goal of the program is help people work on all aspects of their life — social, work, education, housing, finding purpose — when mental health or substance use creates barriers.
Report Animal Bites
If you have been bitten by a wild or stray animal or think you may have been exposed to the rabies virus, we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please call our office at (607) 274-6688 to report any bites or potential rabies exposures, or email our office at:
The campaign to immunize all New Yorkers is an initiative of the County Health Officials of New York bringing together patients, parents, providers and campaign partners.
Vaccine clinics to serve community members with no insurance, or with Medicaid or a Medicaid managed care plan — from infancy through senior years. And offering reliable, science-based information on vaccines and vaccine preventable diseases.
Intervention d'urgence
Le Service des interventions d'urgence (Department of Emergency Response, DoER) supervise les systèmes de communication et de répartition pour les services d'urgence à l'échelle du comté. C'est via ces systèmes que les habitants peuvent, en composant le 9-1-1 sur un téléphone situé dans le comté, obtenir l'intervention d'urgence du personnel médical, des pompiers, de la police ou tout autre service d'urgence. Le système 9-1-1 , grâce à l’utilisation de communications à l’échelle du comté et de systèmes de répartition assistée par ordinateur, est en mesure de localiser les adresses des appelants et leurs informations téléphoniques, tout en communiquant avec les pompiers, la police et le personnel médical sur le terrain.
Careers and Skills
Find a Job
The Tompkins County Workforce NY Career Center offers support finding a job in Tompkins County. Visit the career center or browse links to local employers and open jobs.
Youth Employment
Summer youth employment programs and other resources for young people looking for a job or employers looking to hire young people.
Apprentice Programs
Programs from New York State for residents to find programs to develop skills in the trades. Links to unions and other apprenticeship programs.
Travailler pour le comté de Tompkins
Tompkins County offers great career opportunities in many areas. Find a job in local government with great benefits and a positive impact on our community.
Other Civil Service Careers
Find a stable career in a local civil service (government) organization. Learn more about finding a civil service career.
Gain New Credentials
Tompkins Cortland Community College offers programs that give you the skills and credentials that local employers are looking for today.
Assistance Programs
Services sociaux
Tompkins County administers State and Federal programs available for residents. We provide benefits and services that help sustain families and individuals while helping you to achieve independence. Below is a list of different assistance areas offered as social services.
Food Assistance
Housing Assistance
Temporary Assistance
Child Care Assistance
Kinship and Foster Care
Aging Services
The Tompkins County Office for the Aging provides objective and unbiased information regarding the array of services available for older adults and their caregivers. The mission is to assist older adults and persons with long term care needs to live independently in their homes and communities with quality of life and dignity.
Bureau des droits de la personne
The Tompkins County Office of Human Rights (TCOHR) is a County department which facilitates the filing of human rights complaints with the New York State Division of Human Rights (NYSDHR). Such complaints include allegations of discrimination in housing, employment, public accommodation, education and other areas covered by New York State Human Rights Law.
Services aux anciens combattants
Tompkins County Department of Veterans Services exists to connect local Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces – and their families – with federal, state, and local resources.
Family Court Representation
Reçoit et examine toutes les demandes d'assistance juridique gratuite et détermine leur éligibilité. Les critères d'admissibilité financière comprennent : l'admissibilité automatique à l'aide publique, le niveau de pauvreté et l'incapacité de se payer un avocat. Les avocats sont commis d'office pour des accusations telles que les viols, les délits mineurs, les crimes et les appels à la cour d'assises, et pour la plupart des affaires jugées au tribunal de grande instance.
Journée de collecte
The mission of the Department of Recycling and Materials Management is to develop and implement a sustainable materials management strategy for Tompkins County. Find more information on what is recyclable, how to reduce waste, and what day recycling pickup occurs in your area.
The departments coordinates administrative, operational, and educational programs that maximize diversion with the 4R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rethink) as a focal point.
Bridges and County Roads
The Highway Department maintains close to 302 highway miles and 109 bridges in Tompkins County. The mission of the Highway Department is to provide highway and bridge construction, maintenance, and emergency services safely, effectively, and efficiently for our local and traveling public customers, while promoting self-esteem and growth as individuals.
Planning and Sustainability
The Department of Planning and Sustainability primarily works to implement the Tompkins County Comprehensive Plan which presents a long-term vision for the future of the community.
Snow Plowing
County crews remove snow and ice from designated County and Town highways through plowing, salting, and sanding. The objective of Snow and Ice Maintenance is to provide the traveling public with the ability to travel on highways at reasonable and prudent speeds within the limitations imposed by the extremes of weather, and within the resources of the Highway Department.
Soil and Water
The Tompkins County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) provides assistance to citizens and units of local government in making sound decisions regarding the management of soil, water and related natural resources.
ITH Airport
Welcome to Ithaca Tompkins International Airport (ITH) the closest airport to Cornell University, Ithaca College and many Finger Lakes destinations. Explore the ease and convenience of traveling through ITH. Plan your next adventure and fly with us today.
Civic Engagement
Voting & Elections
We are a bi-partisan team of Voting and Election Specialists, charged with the preservation of citizen confidence in the democratic process and enhancement of voter participation in elections. Register to vote, find information on running for office, and find information on voting in person, early, or via absentee ballot.
Informative Newsletters
Tompkins County offers dozens of newsletters on topics of interest to the public. Sign up to receive updates from County department.
Public Meetings & Agendas
Find information on what's being considered by local elected officials and about important topics in our community.
Join an Advisory Board
L'Assemblée législative du comté de Tompkins nomme les membres de plus de 40 conseils consultatifs. Ces membres exercent bénévolement une fonction consultative auprès de l'assemblée et représentent différentes circonscriptions du comté.