Planning - Transportation Choices


Contents         Plans and Studies    ♦    Tools, Links, and Resources

 The Transportation Chapter (7.08 MB) of the Tompkins County Comprehensive Plan states that

Tompkins County should be a place where transportation choices are efficient, affordable, and healthy for people and the environment.

Политика округа Томпкинс заключается в следующем:decorative picture of bus

  • Maintain and improve critical elements of the existing transportation network to support the safe movement of people and goods.
  • Reduce the use of fossil fuels in transportation.
  • Shift travel away from driving alone to biking, walking, carpooling/ridesharing, and using public transit.
  • Support a pattern of land use that allows people to move efficiently and affordably.
  • Provide for the safe and effective movement of freight to, from, and within the county.
  • Continue to provide airport services that support community and business needs.
  • Consider the needs of populations that are particularly challenged by transportation when developing systems and alternatives.

Although the primary organization in Tompkins County that is charged with facilitating county-wide transportation planning is the Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council, the Tompkins County Department of Planning and Sustainability has been actively involved in several transportation projects.

Планы и исследования

Tompkins Priority Trails Strategy Update (2023)

In December 2023, the Tompkins County Legislature accepted the Tompkins Priority Trails Strategy 2023 Update. The updated Strategy seeks to develop and sustain trails that will move the County significantly towards a cohesive, destination-quality trail network providing linkages to local recreation, employment, services, and transit in the county. In addition the Strategy identifies 27 specific near-term actions that can be taken collectively by municipalities, Tompkins County, New York State, trails advocates, property owners, conservation groups, institutions of higher education, and other stakeholders.

State Route 13 Corridor Study (2020)

The Tompkins County Department of Planning and Sustainability and the Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council completed a corridor study of New York State Route 13 (Route 13) in Tompkins County focused on the 9-mile stretch of the corridor along Route 13 from Warren Road (Village of Lansing) to the Village of Dryden’s western boundary.  

Tompkins County Green Fleet Program Development

Tompkins County is in the process of developing a Green Fleet Program to advance conversion to plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) and manage the County fleet to reduce consumption of fossil fuels. The project defines four tasks to 1) advise County departments in selection of PEVs, 2) develop a PEV Charging Station Report, 3) draft a Fleet Review Report, and 4) finalize a Tompkins County Fleet Management Framework. The Fleet PEV Charging Report is now complete and available below.

Fleet Plug-In Electric Vehicle (PEV) Charging Infrastructure Report (August 2019)

Исследование управления коридором маршрута 96 (2009)

Existing Conditions:         Text (1.5 MB)         Maps (7.9 MB)

Анализ (2.61 MB)

Рекомендации (1.95 MB)

Выполнение (101 KB)

Приложения (1.05 MB)

Northside Waterfront Access and Circulation Study (19.61 MB) (2008)

Инструменты, ссылки и ресурсы

Живописная дорога вдоль озера Каюга

Транспортный совет округа Томпкинс (Итака)