Probation - Criminal Adult Services

Supervision of Adult Probationers
One of the main functions of the Probation Department is the supervision of Youthful Offenders and adults sentenced to probation by the courts. The goals of probation supervision are twofold, the first being the protection of the community and the second being the rehabilitation of the offender.  The court requires that each person fulfill certain conditions of their probation term.  These conditions vary from case to case and are established according to the needs of the individual.  Basic requirements set by the court include reporting to a probation officer, remaining in the jurisdiction of the court, maintaining employment or attending school and obeying all laws.  Specific conditions tailored to the needs of the individual could include (but are not limited to) participation in substance abuse or mental health treatment, abstinence from alcohol and drugs, payment of restitution to the victim, drug testing and community service.  It is the responsibility of the supervising probation officer to monitor compliance with mandated conditions and to notify the sentencing court if conditions are being violated.  A sentence of probation is an alternative to incarceration.  As such, when an individual violates the terms and conditions of their probation sentence, the sentence can be revoked and the court can resentence the individual.

The purpose of the criminal court probation investigation is to provide the sentencing court with accurate, reliable information in an objective and analytical format, so as to assist the court in making sentencing decisions. 

Additional information that the court may wish to consider at the time of sentencing includes:

  • drug and alcohol involvement and treatment
  • individualized treatment plans based on case needs and community protection,
  • alternative to incarceration options.

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