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High-Quality Child Care Program Survey

NYS OCFS wants to hear from you about what represents quality in child care.  See this flyer for more information (en Espanol)



收入低於聯邦貧窮線(FPL)300% 以內的工作家庭均可申請托育補助,貧窮線收入視家庭人數而定。


回答一系列簡短的問題,看看您是否可以在 10 分鐘或更短時間內以低廉或免費的方式獲得托兒服務! 了解有關 紐約州 OCFS 提供的這項新功能。 

有關計算您的每月總收入的更多資訊,請 點擊此處

This chart shows the income limits that will apply as of June 1st of 2024 and are valid through May 31st of 2025:



  • 同時參加指定教育計畫
  • 無家可歸
  • 家暴受害者
  • 父母任一人正在參加指定成癮物質濫用治療計畫
  • 工作的寄養父母

Families in other circumstances may also qualify for a child care subsidy.  Contact us by phone at (607) 274-5612 or email to find out how we can help!  (If you have not heard back from us within 24 hours, please call at (607) 274-5612 for assistance.)


符合托育補助資格的家庭每週應向托育人員直接支付家庭自負額。每週家庭自負額的計算方式如下:家庭總年收入中*高於聯邦貧窮線*的部分乘以 1% 再除以 52 週。

The following table shows the income standards that apply as of October 1st of 2023 and are valid through May 31st of 2024:

FPL 2023

This chart shows the income standards that will apply as of June 1st of 2024 and are valid through May 31st of 2025:


每週家庭自負額通常最低 1.00 美元,部分家庭得免支付任何家庭自負額,包括:無家可歸、有兒童保護/預防案件,或只有兒童的暫時撫養權/監護權。


There are four ways to obtain an application to receive a child care subsidy.

  1. Apply now with our new online application         
  2. Click here to download the State application in the form of a PDF file (unfortunately not 'fillable'; it will need to be printed out.)
  3. Call us at 607-274-5612 to request that a hardcopy application to be mailed to you.
  4. Pick up an application in person at the Reception window of the county's Human Services Building in downtown Ithaca (the street address is 320 W. Martin Luther King, Jr./State Street; but our public parking lot is on Seneca Street between Albany and Plain.)               

如需申請書填寫說明,請上紐約州兒童和家庭服務處網站下載填寫說明 Word 檔。

重要須知 1:除了填妥申請書外,您還需要提供數份證明文件影本。最新清單請上我們的網站參閱 PDF 檔。

重要須知 2:在職父母另需提供由雇主填寫的就業資訊表(此處連結為 PDF 檔)。


1. Drop off at the county's Human Services Building.
2. Email:  (click this link)  (If you have not heard back from us within 24 hours, please call at (607) 274-5612 for assistance.)
3. Mail to:   
      Child Care Assistance Program
      Tompkins County DSS
      320 West MLK Jr./State Street
      Ithaca, NY 14850


For help finding a child care provider, please contact the Child Development Council at (607) 273-0259 or visit the 'find child care' page of their website.

If you're interested in becoming a child care provider, the Child Development Council can help.   Call (607) 273-0259 or visit the 'providers' page of their website.

