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Office for the Aging(老龄办公室)的Caregiver’s Resource Center(照护者资源中心)和 Alzheimer’s Support Unit(阿尔茨海默氏症支持单位)旨在帮助照护者为老年人和残疾人提供高质量的照护,同时也维护他们自己和家庭成员的生活质量。

Caregiver Instructional Videos 


在确定您的需求、转介以满足这些需求以及如何应对照护工作的压力方面提供个人协助。了解更多关于我们的 Caregiver's Resource Center(照护者的资源中心)--欢迎随时前来或访问我们的网页。 


This group meets every other week on Tuesdays from 1 pm-2 pm.  Participants are welcome to join in person at the Office for the Aging, 214 W. Martin Luther King Jr/State Street, Ithaca, or via zoom.  Call 607-274-5486 with questions or to register.


请致电(607)274-5486加入我们的邮寄名单,开始接收免费订阅《In Support of Caregivers》,这是一份季度通讯刊物,内容包括家庭照护者感兴趣的文章和公告。照护者资源中心还为社区成员和专业人士维护一个资源和借阅图书馆。要查看最近几期的《In Support of Caregivers》,请点击这里


  • “照护者的有力工具”课程
  • 照顾你自己
  • 沟通技巧
  • 社区资源
  • 痴呆症
  • 抑郁症和衰老
  • 照顾年迈父母的介绍
  • 老化的医疗问题
  • 老化的心理层面


通过Project CARE为照护者提供喘息和支持
老龄办公室的Project CARE是一项为家庭照护者提供家庭支持以及直接帮助身体虚弱的居家老年人的计划。Project Care Program的志愿者们以各种方式提供协助,帮助从事以下一项或多项活动:

  • 友好访问
  • 跑腿
  • 买菜
  • 简易家务
  • 简单的院子工作
  • 给照护者喘息

志愿者可以和体弱的老人呆在一起,这样照护者就可以散步、外出办事,或者只是看一本书!此外,Project CARE有时能够支付通过地区家庭照护机构提供的每周喘息服务。也可能提供小额补助金用于短期(临时)喘息--帮助资助替代性照护,使压力很大的家庭照护者能够休息几天。这些补助金旨在提供给那些以其他方式难以负担喘息照护(无论是在家里还是在设施中的喘息居住)费用的照护者。



TCARE Screen

Do you provide unpaid care to a family member, friend, or neighbor who has an illness, disability, memory loss, injury, or special need? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are a caregiver! Are you feeling overwhelmed, constantly worried, tired, sad, easily irritated, and/or extremely stressed? You are not alone and there is support available. If you would like to learn more about resources, tools, and supports available for caregivers, please answer the following questions to get connected to the right starting place.

  1. Are you over the age of 18 and caring for an older adult (age 60+)?
  2. Are you over the age of 18 caring for an individual (any age) with Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder (e.g., dementia, traumatic brain injury, mild cognitive impairment, chronic traumatic encephalopathy)?
  3. Are you over the age of 55 and living with and caring for a child (not biological) under the age of 18?
  4. Are you over the age of 55 and living with and caring for an adult (can be a biological child) aged 18-59 with a disability?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you are eligible for the National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP). If you would like to learn more about how this program can assist you, please take this short screen for an initial assessment of your wellbeing, and our Caregiver Coordinator will reach out to discuss the results. The evidence-based screener asks you to reflect on your experiences and respond to a series of statements based on identified rating scales in each section. This screener is used to help you and the Caregiver Coordinator better understand your situation and define an individualized plan to meet your unique caregiving needs.

If you answered no to all the questions above, or you are not interested in taking the evidence-based screen there is still help available:

  • Any Care Counts - New York (ACC-NY) Campaign recognizes and supports the millions of unpaid caregivers across the state. Through ACC-NY you can discover your caregiver intensity score by taking the ARCHANGELS Caregiver Intensity Index (CII). It takes just 2 minutes to complete. You will find out whether you are "in the red", "yellow", or "green", and be connected to trusted resources.
  • Visit the NY Connects Resource Directory. NY Connects links individuals of all ages and their caregivers to long term care services and supports and provides one stop access to free, objective, comprehensive information and assistance.
  • If you would prefer to speak to someone in person to discuss resources, please call our office at 607-274-5482.