湯普金斯郡立法會會議廳向民眾開放,用於舉行公眾會議。任何工作人員、立法會議員和訪客如果感覺身體不適或出現 COVID 症狀,請待在家裡。
會議繼續在該郡的 YouTube 直播服務上進行直播
Public Comment/Privilege of the the Floor
- In-person: If members of the public are interested in commenting in-person at a meeting, please join us in Legislature Chambers and sign up by completing a blue slip located in the back of the room prior to the start of the meeting. Once completed, please pass the blue slip to the Clerk and the Chair will call on you at the appropriate time.
- Remotely (via Zoom): If members of the public are interested in speaking at a meeting via Zoom, please Email Us at least 24-hours in advance of the meeting. A Zoom link will be provided upon request.
- Written Comments: If members of the public are interested in submitting their comments in writing to be shared with Legislators, please Email Us .
立法會的會議可以在湯普金斯郡的 YouTube 頻道上觀看。
View public meetings scheduled in Legislature Chambers.