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纽约州资助的 TCWH 疫苗计划

Tompkins County offers New York State funded vaccines at our immunization clinics for eligible children and adults. At TCWH, we provide vaccines required for school as well as those recommended by the CDC. If you have a Primary Care Provider (PCP), contact them first for your immunization needs.

儿童疫苗 (VFC)

VFC 计划为符合条件的 19 周岁以下儿童提供国家资助的疫苗。如果您的孩子符合以下条件,则可能有资格参与 VFC 计划:

  • 目前已加入医疗补助
  • 参与 Child Health Plus 计划
  • Are under insured: your insurance does not cover the vaccine
  • 未投保
  • 美洲原住民或阿拉斯加原住民

Recommended schedule for all children birth through age 18

成人疫苗 (VFA)

VFA 计划为符合条件的 19 周岁及以上成年人提供国家资助的疫苗。如果您符合以下条件,则可能有资格参与 VFC 计划:

  • Are under insured: your insurance does not cover the vaccine
  • 未投保
  • 大学就读(仅限麻腮风三联疫苗)

无论保险状况如何,任何年龄的大学生都有资格通过 VFA 计划接种麻疹、流行性腮腺炎和风疹 (MMR) 疫苗。

Recommended schedule for all adults


Immunization Clinics at TCWH

We serve community members with no insurance, or with Medicaid or a Medicaid managed care plan. (You do not have to be a Tompkins County resident.)

  • 周五上午 9:00 – 下午 12:00;下午 1:00 – 下午 4:00  
  • For appointments and information, call Community Health Services at 607-274-6604.
  • Immunization records: You will need to provide a copy of your and/or your child's immunization record in advance of your appointment. Please also bring the records with you to your appointment.

Note: If you have a primary care provider or pediatrician, please contact them to make an appointment for immunizations. If you have insurance but no primary care provider we will help you connect with a health care provider. Call 607-274-6604.

Vaccines available at TCWH immunization clinics*

For children (ages 0-19): 

  • DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis)
  • HiB
  • A 型肝炎
  • 乙型肝炎
  • HPV
  • Influenza
  • Meningococcal
  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)
  • Moderna Covid vaccine
  • 脊髓灰质炎
  • Pneumococcal
  • Td
  • Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis)
  • Varicella

For adults (ages 19 and up): 

  • Hepatitis A
  • 乙型肝炎
  • HPV (Human papillomavirus)
  • Influenza (Quadrivalent and High Dose)
  • Jynneos (Mpox vaccine)
  • Meningococcal
  • MMR  (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)
  • Moderna Covid vaccine
  • 脊髓灰质炎
  • Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis)

*Vaccine availability is subject to change. Please call CHS at 607-274-6604 for the most updated information on vaccine availability.

Vaccines NOT available at TCWH Clinics

  • Rotavirus (for children)
  • Shingles (for adults)
  • Adult Pneumococcal vaccine
  • RSV vaccine (adults and children)
  • Travel vaccines (cholera, yellow fever, typhoid)
  • Meningococcal Serogroup B vaccine
  • Varicella for adults

Get vaccinated at a local pharmacy.
(Pharmacies in Tompkins County. Availabiliy subject to change. Links verified 9/12/24.)

Search Vaccines.gov by Zip code to find where to get vaccinated near you.


Homebound residents

TCWH offers in-home Covid and flu vaccinations to Tompkins County residents who are considered homebound. This means that you require the use of a walker or wheelchair to leave your home, your health condition may worsen if you leave your home, it is difficult for you to leave your home and you usually do not leave your home. Please call 607-274-6604 to register for this service.

Mobile clinics

TCWH offers mobile flu clinics during the start of flu season, usually in the month of October. If your organization is interested in hosting a flu clinic and has at least 10 people who want to be vaccinated, please call 607-274-6604 to speak with a nurse manager to organize this. Planning for mobile flu clinics usually starts in July or August.

Travel Vaccines

Travel Clinics provide travel vaccines, malaria prevention, travelers’ diarrhea prevention and management, among other services for travelers. Following are local travel clinics. Visit their websites for all services provided.

Outside of Tompkins County


Immunization Updates for the 2024-25 School Year

Many children need to receive vaccines during the summer to stay up-to-date and comply with school vaccination requirements. 

Current NYS School Immunization Regulations

课本和苹果Please review the following schedules before school starts.

  • 2024-25 School Year, New York State Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance (PDF)
  • 所有进入 7 年级、8 年级、9 年级、10 年级和 12 年级的孩子都必须接种脑膜炎球菌疫苗。若未接种该疫苗则无法开始上学。
  • 现在,学校儿童须接种全系列必需疫苗或正在接种疫苗才能入学上课。根据当前对“正在接种”的定义,未彻底完成免疫接种的儿童应处在完成免疫接种的过程中(基于免疫实践咨询委员会补种计划),才能继续上学或进入学前班。如果儿童遵循的其他免疫接种计划不符合免疫实践咨询委员会补种计划规定的间隔时间,则不再被视为“正在接种”并且不得入学(若未以其他方式获得豁免)。


为所有纽约居民提供免疫接种的活动是纽约州县卫生官员 (NYSACHO) 发起的一项倡议,将患者、父母、提供商和活动合作伙伴聚集在一起。我们的目标:通过提供有关疫苗和疫苗可预防疾病的可靠科学信息,提高人们对一生(从婴儿期到老年期)免疫接种需求的认识。

如需了解更多信息,请访问 Campaign to ImmuNYze 网站,或在此处下载宣传册:“明智选择,免疫接种!”和“即刻接种疫苗!



Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)

Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) are fact sheets produced by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC.) Each VIS explains to vaccine recipients, their parents, or their legal representatives both the benefits and risks of a vaccine. At any TCHD clinic, you will be provided with the specific VIS for the vaccine or vaccines you or your child are about to receive. You will also be given time to review it before the vaccine is administered.

TCWH Seasonal Flu Page



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