Check our immunizations homepage for the latest school requirements and most up to date CDC recommendations and NYS vaccine programs. TCWH immunization clinics are held most Fridays serving community members with no insurance, or with Medicaid or a Medicaid managed care plan. Seasonal flu vaccinations are available by appointment. For more information on vaccine clinics, please call 607-274-6604.
Moms PLUS+ 计划
Moms PLUS+ 是一项上门护理计划,旨在为汤普金斯县的居民免费提供母婴健康支持服务,无论其保险状况如何。Moms PLUS + 计划旨在助力居民公平享有优质母婴医疗保健服务、增加对选择母乳喂养的父母的哺乳支持,并加强与其他社区合作伙伴的护理协调。
Moms PLUS + 计划秉持以客户为中心的理念,向所有参与者提供性别肯定、减少伤害和创伤知情护理。如需与 Moms PLUS+ 护理人员通话,请致电 607-274-6604。如需了解更多信息,请访问此处
妇女、婴儿和儿童特殊营养补充计划 (WIC) 旨在为孕妇和产后女性及其五岁以下的子女提供营养食品、营养教育和社区服务转介,以及提供母乳喂养支持。如需获取有关参与资格及参与方式的更多信息,请访问 WIC 网页。
- 纽约州居民和非居民均可获得药物流产和诊所人工流产服务。
- 在纽约,您可以在孕期 24 周以内(含 24 周)进行堕胎。24 周后,如果您的健康或妊娠面临风险,您仍然可以进行堕胎。
- 纽约伊萨卡市伊萨卡健康中心(大纽约区计划生育协会)。请访问网站了解所提供服务、营业时间、在线预约和付款信息。
- 全州堕胎热线,为寻找堕胎资源的人提供相关信息与途径:212-899-5567
- 纽约州安全堕胎服务网站。
- 古特马赫研究所,纽约堕胎情况说明
SafeCare 计划
SafeCare 是一项循证家长培训计划,面向的家长属于忽视或体罚 0 到 5 岁孩子的高风险人群,或者已被举报。SafeCare 计划的提供方与家庭开展合作,实地走访家庭并提高家长在以下三个领域的技能:
- 亲子互动
- 儿童健康
- 家庭安全
The program is conducted in weekly home visits for about 18 weeks. Tompkins County Whole Health is a SafeCare Accredited Agency. For more information call 607-274-6604 or visit here
The Childhood Lead Poisoning Primary Prevention Program (CLPPP) is the largest in the country. CLPPP works to make homes safe. It funds local health departments to gain access to high-risk housing to educate, inspect and control lead hazards. It looks for properties with lead paint hazards, then it takes action to make them lead safe – protecting children from lead poisoning.
At Tompkins County Whole Health, we partner with Environmental Health to perform home visits for all children in Tompkins County with elevated blood lead levels and provide education to the public about lead poisoning prevention.
For more information call 607-274-6604 or visit here