About Tompkins County Whole Health

Welcome To Tompkins County Whole Health

TOMPKINS COUNTY Health Department and Mental Health Department have integrated to become Tompkins County Whole Health.

IN 2019, Tompkins County Public Health and Mental Health began the process of merging, a decision that was both strategic and meaningful. The integration combines Public Health and Mental Health under shared leadership and administration, as well as a shared mission and shared values. Cross functional teams have been working collaboratively to launch a re-brand, integrate services and processes, and engage staff in the process.

As of January 4, 2023, TCWH has officially launched, with unified services, shared values, and a new name and logo. 

As a resident of Tompkins County, you can continue to expect offerings and programs to improve your wellbeing. We provide a variety of services to support children and youth, adults, households and communities, and businesses. Whole Health supports the needs of the whole person, blending physical, mental and environmental health. We look forward to working with you.

  —  Frank Kruppa, Whole Health Commissioner


Our mission is to build a healthy, equitable community in Tompkins County by addressing the root causes of health disparities and integrating mental, physical and environmental health.


We envision a future where every person in Tompkins County can achieve wellness.


An integrated and empowered team, advancing a collaborative effort to promote prevention and equitably improve individual and population health.


Culture. Align the organization around our shared Mission and Values-Based Culture to create an empowered, engaged, and cohesive team.  

Integration. Merge the department structures to become one organization and increase our ability to better serve our clients and community.

Services. Coordinate our services and capabilities to support the whole person and integrate prevention techniques to holistically improve health outcomes.

Community. Strengthen the collaborative effort within Tompkins County to equitably impact individual and population health.

Data. Review and establish effective data collection to measure programmatic, organizational and county progress against our priorities.

Strategic Plan 2024-2026


Values-Based Culture


Because we value learning…

  1. We respectfully and constructively speak up and share our ideas. We encourage others to do the same. 
  2. We listen when others speak and seek to understand their unique perspective. We respect differing ideas with an open mind to find the best outcomes.
  3. We take risks, try new ways of working, and we use mistakes as learning opportunities.


Because we value innovation…

  1. We encourage creativity and welcome alternative points of view to create a safe space for innovation.
  2. We take initiative and actively participate in finding solutions to improve our workplace.
  3. We seek out opportunities to expand our impact and improve health outcomes for our clients and community.


Because we value collaboration…

  1. We seek out and explore opportunities to work with others, including internal co-workers and external stakeholders.
  2. We draw on the experience and expertise within our organization and break down organizational silos to provide the best services to our clients and community.
  3. We thoughtfully and intentionally share information or expertise to have the biggest impact across our organization and community.
  4. We work with existing and new partners to engage populations we have difficulty reaching.


Because we value compassion…

  1. We are compassionate and embrace diversity of lived experiences with an open-mind and without judgment.  
  2. We treat each other, our clients, and community members with dignity and respect.
  3. We prioritize the safety of colleagues, clients and our community members.
  4. We are responsible and accountable for our own self-care so that we are ready and able to care for others. We are supportive of each other.


Because we value integrity…

  1. We give our best, strive for excellence, and assume the best of others.
  2. We are dependable and keep our commitments to each other and the community.


Frank Kruppa, Commissioner of Whole Health 

Harmony Ayers-Friedlander, Deputy Commissioner of Mental Health

Brenda Grinnell Crosby, Deputy Public Health Director



Mental Health Services: 201 East Green St., Ithaca, NY 14850


Parking is available in the Cayuga St./ Green St. Garage, 235 S. Cayuga St., Ithaca.

Map of where to park for 201 E. Green St.


Tompkins County Whole Health: 55 Brown Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850


Plenty of on-site parking.


Whole Health Services


  • 免疫接种
  • Anonymous HIV testing
  • Therapy and Counseling Services – walk-ins welcome
  • Medication Management and Assisted Therapy
  • PROS – Personalized Recovery Oriented Services


  • Children with Special Care Needs – early intervention services
  • Preschool Special Education Services
  • Therapy and Counseling Services, including school-based settings


  • Moms PLUS+ – prenatal and postpartum care, breastfeeding support
  • 预防铅中毒
  • Vital Records – birth and death certificates
  • WIC (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children)


  • Community Health Workers
  • Communicable Disease Control
  • 健康社区计划
  • Tobacco Free Tompkins and Tobacco Control
  • Rabies Prevention and Control
  • Opioid Overdose Prevention
  • Community Health Planning and Data
  • Public Health Preparedness
  • On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS)
  • Public Water Systems


  • Food Services and Permits
  • Temporary Residences
  • Children’s Camps
  • 泳池
  • Beaches
  • Mass Gatherings

24/7 Helplines

  • 对于有生命危险的紧急情况,请拨打911
  • 全国自杀预防生命线,拨打 988(1-800-273-8255) 
  • 危机短信热线,发送HOME到741-741。 
  • 伊萨卡的自杀预防和危机服务热线,1-607-272-1616。
  • 退伍军人危机热线,为退伍军人和他们的亲人提供服务,请拨打1-800-273-8255并按1,或发送短信838255。

Student Internships

TCWH internships provide students with hands-on experience working on real-world public health and mental health projects that ultimately benefit the greater Tompkins County community. Learn about and apply at tompkinscountyny.gov/health/interns.

Task Force Report 

Review Of The Tompkins County Mental Health And Public Health Leadership Models 2019 (Open and download the PDF)

The year 2019 marked the fourth year of a shared leadership model for the Tompkins County Mental Health and Public Health Departments. As stated in the December 2015 resolution which created this structure, County Administration was charged with reviewing the opportunities and challenges of the structure and providing a recommendation to the Legislature by the end of 2019 regarding how the departments should function in the future. Three of the seven Resolves are as follows:

"RESOLVED, on recommendation of the Budget, Capital, and Personnel Committees, That this Legislature authorizes the County Administrator to implement a plan for the responsibilities of the Public Health Director to be expanded to include the responsibilities heretofore granted to the Commissioner of Mental Health for the period December 1, 2015, through December 31, 2018, plus such additional time in 2019 as the Legislature deems necessary to evaluate the performance of the combined department head model, determine whether that model shall continue, consider other organizational alternatives, and accommodate any organizational transition required by the Legislature’s decision,

“RESOLVED, further, That beginning in early 2019, Tompkins County will conduct a 360 degree style performance review of the current arrangement to evaluate how well the interim administrative solution is working from the perspective of staff, boards, community members, and other stakeholders;

"RESOLVED, further, That in the same time period, Tompkins County will form a task force to examine the operations and consider the future directions of both the Health and Mental Health Departments, to include consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of an administrative partial or full merger, identification of the various aspects of their operations and any functions that might be combined, and any lessons that can be learned from other counties that have merged these particular functions;”
