Never Use Alone hotline dial 877-696-1996. An operator will stay with you while you use, and call emergency services if needed.
Data are a critical tool for understanding how opioid use is impacting our local community. Tompkins Whole Health tracks and publishes indicators related to opioid use within Tompkins County from a number of sources in an effort to provide the public as well as policy makers with information that is relevant and of interest. The data presented show the scale and scope of the crisis in Tompkins County.
- Substance Use in Tompkins County
- Monthly 911 Calls for Overdose/ Poisoning received by TC
- Unintentional Fatal Overdose Demographics (Tompkins County Medical Examiner)
- Drug Related Deaths (Tompkins County Medical Examiner)
- Opioid Quarterly Reports, Opioid use indicators, quarterly rates for Tompkins County. Source: NYSDOH
- NYSDOH 阿片類藥物儀表板
- Naloxone (Narcan®)
- Opioid Resources
Substance Use Data
若發生過量緊急情況,致電 911
所有打入湯普金斯郡 9-1-1 中心的電話都根據緊急情況的類型進行編碼。該代碼(稱為自然代碼)通知調度員是否將緊急情況分配給警員、消防或 EMS。
當 9-1-1 調度員接到醫療救助電話時,他們會根據部門緊急醫療調度計劃制定的協議向呼叫者詢問某些關鍵問題,以確定原因是否可能是藥物引起的。有時呼叫者知道原因,而其他時候調度員根據他們的問題和其他情況的答案以及多年的經驗做出編碼決策。
Total number of 9-1-1 calls per month that are C.A.D. coded as "Overdose/Poisoning," 2019-present. Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) calls, Nature Code for “Overdoses/Poisoning.” Source: Tompkins County Department of Emergency Response (DoER).
資料來源:TC 應急部 (DoER)。
Unintentional fatal overdoses: demographic profile.
Like many communities, Tompkins County has experienced an increase in unintentional overdose deaths. When reviewing these datasets it is important to always remember that they represent individuals who are sons and daughters, families and friends whose lives have been interrupted or tragically ended, in some cases without warning.
The graphs below provide demographic information about the 100 people who died in Tompkins County from accidental drug overdose from 2019-2023. The larger sample size provided by totaling across five years increases the confidentiality of the individuals, and the confidence in how the data is interpreted.
“Unintentional Fatal Overdoses” includes those for which the “Manner of Death” is classified as an accident and substances identified in a toxicology screening are ruled as the immediate cause of death.
The US Census data (American Community Survey 2022 5-year estimates) compare the demographics of the deceased with the county population as a whole.
The deaths in this dataset may include overdose deaths due to pharmaceutically and illicitly produced, naturally occurring, semi-synthetic, and synthetic drugs. These deaths may not be attributed to an overdose.
“Drug Related Deaths” includes all deaths in which drugs are involved. In these cases, the immediate cause of death is not or not solely drugs, and drugs are often listed under “Other significant contributions.” These also include those in which the manner of death is not ruled as an accident.
NYS Opioid Quarterly Report
In accordance with the recommendations of the New York State Heroin and Opioid Task Force and 2016 legislation, the NYSDOH provides quarterly reports with opioid overdose information (deaths, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalizations) by county. Please note that the data presented in these are considered preliminary by the NYSDOH and should be used and interpreted with caution. Subsequent quarterly reports may contain figures which differ from a previous report due to additional confirmations, updates, and timing of data received. The reported cases are based on county of residence.
QUARTERLY RATE CALCULATION (person-years): [# events / (population X 0.25 years)] X 100,000.
Summary of Tompkins County data published July 2024
(Provisional data as of April 2024)
Full report on the NYSDOH website
- Complete current Quarterly Report dashboard for counties (July 2024 edition)
- Opioid Quarterly Report Archives (links to PDF reports and data files in Excel)
Naloxone (Narcan)
Naloxone is a lifesaving medication that can be administered to reverse an opioid overdose. Narcan is the most well-known brand of Naloxone and is used widely by emergency responders and members of the public, alike.
When naloxone is used at a scene by Emergency Medical Services (EMS), law enforcement, or registered overdose prevention programs, the incident is reported to New York State. The state compiles these incidents into quarterly reports, which are then available to the public.
Narcan Use
The trend of naloxone use is considered an indicator of the level of opioid use. The graph below is a visualization of these quarterly reports for Tompkins County (lower is better). You can see that overall naloxone use dipped in the first half of 2022, then did not fall again until Spring 2023. Numbers for Q2 2024 should be available October 2024
Narcan Training and Distribution
Many individuals carry Narcan with them so they are ready to act if they see someone who appears to be overcome by a drug overdose. Tompkins County Whole Health and its partners are working to distribute Narcan to more residents and train them in how to use it.
Across the state, the NYS Department of Health is setting up Opioid Overdose Prevention Program (OOPP) sites to distribute Narcan and train the public in its use. TCWH is a Registered OOPP, and members of the public may request Narcan at both our Brown Road and Green Street offices. A list of OOPP locations is below.
As part of its distribution program, TCWH is tracking the number of people trained and Narcan kits distributed by local OOPPs and reporting this information to the public. In the following graphs you can see how training dipped during the COVID-19 pandemic and has risen in the last three quarters of 2023.
The distribution of Narcan spray kits varies more from quarter to quarter since 2019, then increases at the end of 2023. Together, the graphs illustrate the increasing effort in Tompkins County to build a safety net across the community focused on reducing the number of deaths we experience due to drug overdoses.
- County (use the Select County dropdown menu to display the Tompkins dataset)
More information & resources: NYSDOH Opioid Data & Reports
Opioid Resources
In This Section
- How to lower the risk of opioid overdose
- 吩坦尼
- Xylazine
- Drug Test Strips for Xylazine and Fentanyl
- NYS Drug Checking
- Naloxone (Narcan®)
- **How to give Narcan
- 本地服務和支援
How to lower the risk of opioid overdose
- Never use alone. Use with others and take turns.
- Before using drugs, ask someone you trust to check on you regularly.
- If you are alone call the Never Use Alone hotline. Dial 1-877-696-1996. An operator will stay with you while you use, and call emergency services if needed.
- Test your drugs. Use test strips to test your drugs for Xylazine and Fentanyl. Drugs with one of these cut in can kill you.
- Always carry naloxone (Narcan®) with you.
- Go slow by taking small amounts, especially if you haven’t used for a while.
- Wait before taking more. Wait long enough to feel the effects of the drugs you took before taking more.
- Avoid mixing with alcohol or other drugs, especially drugs that make you sleepy.
- There is no safe dose of opioids.
- Sedation, confusion, drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, urinary retention, pupillary constriction, and respiratory depression.
- Stupor, changes in pupillary size (pinpoint size pupils), cold and clammy skin, cyanosis (blue discoloration of the skin), coma and respiratory failure leading to death.
- 切勿單獨使用
- Use fentanyl test strips as a precaution
- Carry Narcan and be trained in its use
- 尋求治療和支援
Xylazine (also called “tranq” or “tranq dope”) is a powerful non-opioid sedative or tranquilizer that is increasingly being found in the US illegal drug supply and linked to overdose deaths. Due to its impact on the opioid crisis, fentanyl mixed (adulterated) with xylazine has been declared an emerging threat by the White House’s Office of National Drug Control Policy. In one study, xylazine was found in almost 80% of drug samples that contained opioids (Maryland, 2021-2022). In another, xylazine was found in 31% of heroin and/or fentanyl overdose deaths (Philadelphia, 2019). [Source: CDC]
Symptoms and health risks of xylazine
- Sedation, difficulty breathing, dangerously low blood pressure, slowed heart rate, wounds that can become infected, severe withdrawal symptoms, death.
Reduce the overdose and the harms of overdose
- Never use alone.
- Provide rescue breaths, especially for people who have used xylazine since xylazine causes breathing to slow down. Harm reduction experts also suggest rolling individuals on their side, into the recovery position.
- Carry naloxone and learn how to use it. Because xylazine is often mixed with opioids like fentanyl, naloxone should be given in response to a suspected overdose to reverse any possible opioid effects. Importantly, naloxone will not reverse effects of xylazine. In the event of an overdose, call 911 for additional medical treatment.
- Reduce injection-related risks by using sterile injection equipment, rotating injection sites, allowing skin veins time to heal before another use, and taking drugs in other ways besides injection.
- Test drugs before using. There are commercially available test strips to test for the presence of xylazine in a sample of drugs. Test strips are available free of cost at a variety of local programs (see "Local services and support" section below).
[Top of Resources Section] | [Top of Page]
Test Strips for fentanyl and xylazine
- Fentanyl and Xylazine Test Strips can tell you if your drugs contain the synthetic opioid Fentanyl or the non-opioid sedative Xylazine. Both are frequently found in street drugs. Xylazine is always cut in with fentanyl, so drugs that test positive for xylazine will also contain fentanyl.
- If used correctly, these test strips can help to prevent overdose deaths and, with other risk reduction practices, save your life.
- Fentanyl Test Strips are blue and marked with the letters “FYL”.
- Xylazine Test Strips are red and marked with the letters “XYL”.
PDF version for how to use xylazine and fentanyl test strips.
NYS Drug Checking: Data on New York’s Unregulated Supply
New York's Drug Checking Service offers people who use drugs timely and detailed information on the contents of their drugs, helping them to make more informed decisions.
This service also shares information on New York's unregulated drug supply with harm reduction workers and clinicians to help them tailor the care they provide to people who use drugs, while informing advocacy, research, and policy.
The data page includes: Total samples, Monthly samples, Expected drugs, Expected vs. actual drug, Monthly trends, Noteworthy drug trends. The page also links to FAQs on drug checking, Drug Dictionary, Alerts, Resources.
Opioid Overdose Prevention Program (NYS OOP)
[Top of Resources Section] | [Top of Page]
Naloxone (Narcan®)
Naloxone (Narcan®) is a medication that can reverse the effects of an overdose from opioids, including fentanyl, heroin, and opioid-based pain killers. It is a tool that community members can use in emergency situations where opioid overdose occurs, providing a chance for individuals to receive further medical care and treatment.
Using Narcan
Used correctly, naloxone can reverse an opioid overdose. When Narcan is administered, it attaches to receptors in the brain and blocks opioids from having their usual effects. This helps to rapidly reverse an overdose by restoring normal breathing and providing an opportunity for medical assistance. There is no safety risk associated with naloxone.
How to Give Narcan:
- Call 9-1-1
- Carefully remove Narcan from packaging
- Hold the nasal spray with your thumb on the plunger
- Tilt the individuals’ head back
- Place the tip of the nasal spray in either nostril of the person experiencing an overdose, firmly press the plunger and release the entire dose of medication.
- Wait 2-3 minutes while checking for responsiveness
- If there is no response, give additional dose, switching nostrils, until help arrives.
Click here to open a 5-step guide for giving naloxone nasal spray.
Remember to always DIAL 9-1-1 FIRST. (Click here for a PDF.)
Watch this 30-second video for a quick "Naloxone/Narcan How-To" (30 seconds).
The video below shows you the signs of an overdose and how to respond and take the steps to prevent opioid overdose.
For additional information on how to use Naloxone (Narcan®), dial 2-1-1 for information about where you can get trained on how to use Naloxone (Narcan®) in our community.
Carry a Narcan kit with you
Opioid Overdose Prevention Programs (OOPPs) are organizations that provide individuals with training and a FREE Narcan kit to carry and dispense this potentially life-saving medication. OOPPs are registered by NYS Department of Health.
FREE Narcan kits are available at one of the local registered OOPP community agencies listed below.
- TC Whole Health, 201 E. Green St., Ithaca (downtown), and 55 Brown Rd., Ithaca (northeast).
- Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services (CARS), 334 W. MLK/State St. Ithaca, 607-273-5500, ext. 5811.
- Cayuga Health Emergency Department, 101 Dates Dr., Ithaca
- REACH Medical, 1001 W. Seneca St., (First Floor), Ithaca
- Southern Tier AIDS Program (STAP), 314 W. MLK/State St., Ithaca. STAP also provides free Drug Checking services.
For additional options Dial 2-1-1 (1-877-211-8667) 24/7. Or text your Zip code to TXT211 (898211). Available M-F 9 AM to 4 PM
Pharmacy Standing Order:
A statewide pharmacy standing order allows anyone* to get naloxone (Narcan®) nasal spray at a pharmacy without a prescription in NYS. Ask for it at the pharmacy counter. Insurance covers up to $40 copay. If you don’t have insurance, you can buy naloxone at the pharmacy.
*Dispensing to adolescents under age 18 is at the discretion of the pharmacist.
[Top of Resources Section] | [Top of Page]
Local and regional services and support
- 如果您或您認識的人有緊急醫療情況,請立即致電 911 。
- 自殺預防和危機服務,危機熱線,9-8-8,提供免費和保密的危機諮詢,24/7 全天候開放。
- Southern Tier AIDS Program (STAP):在紐約南部提供全面的 HIV/AIDS 服務。他們提供阿片類藥物過量預防計劃,為個人提供訓練、納洛酮套件和處方,以便他們能夠攜帶和分發這種可能挽救生命的藥物。
- 湯普金斯郡心理健康協會成立於 1954 年,旨在解決伊薩卡社區的心理健康需求,主頁。
- 詹金斯希望與康復中心是為那些使用或曾經使用過心理健康服務的人士提供的臨時中心。詹金斯中心提供了一個安全的環境,心理健康消費者可以在這裡放鬆、與同齡人一起玩樂並分享資訊和支援。
- 紐約州戒癮服務與支援處開展「Project COPE」,這是一個在紐約州推廣藥物過量預防和減少危害教育的網站。該計劃的目標是使人們能夠學習如何防止過量服用並挽救社區中的生命。
- 預防服務的其他資源:紐約愛滋病研究所提供者名錄
- 湯普金斯郡銳器收集和處置站點
- Never Use Alone hotline. Dial 1-877-696-1996. An operator will stay with you while you use, and call emergency services if needed.
- Test strips for Fentanyl and test strips for xylazine are available for free at the Southern Tier AIDS Program, REACH Medical, Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services, and Tompkins County Whole Health's office at 201 E. Green St.
- Narcan, fentanyl testing strips and xylazine testing strips can be ordered free of cost and delivered to your home via NYS OASAS. Complete the order form online at:
- MATTERS facilitates rapid referrals to outpatient treatment for opioid and substance use disorders. Referrals are submitted online 24/7, 365 days a year by participating referral sites throughout NYS. Individuals may request test strips through the MATTERS website. Find them at Get the MATTERS Network mobile app on the App Store or Google Play.
- 基於社區的支援小組可以協助個人進行個人康復,也可以協助受親人吸毒影響的朋友和家人。
- Cayuga Addiction Recovery Services (CARS) offers intensive residential and out-patient treatment services, including Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT). CARS offers Open Access Monday thru Thursday from 8:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Clients need only to bring an insurance card, if they have one. 607-273-5500.
- REACH Medical provides medical and behavioral services, including MAT. The REACH Project is a non-profit operating as a low threshold, harm reduction medical practice in Ithaca. Reach Medical offers a wide range of services including: opioid replacement therapy, medical cannabis certification, Hep C treatment, primary care and behavioral services, in a stigma-free, inclusive setting. 607-273-7000. REACH Project Facebook page.
- 紐約州戒癮服務與支援處 (OASAS): 治療查找器
- About Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)
- Ithaca Community Recovery, is a non-profit organization that provides a meeting and activity space for Ithaca’s recovering community. They host a variety of meetings, including Alcoholics Anonymous, Al-Anon Meetings, Narcotics Anonymous, and more. Go to their website for meeting schedules.
- Mental Health Association in Tompkins County was established in 1954 to address mental health needs in the Ithaca community.
- 詹金斯希望與康復中心是為那些使用或曾經使用過心理健康服務的人士提供的臨時中心。詹金斯中心提供了一個安全的環境,心理健康消費者可以在這裡放鬆、與同齡人一起玩樂並分享資訊和支援。
- 預防自殺及危機服務,提供免費及保密的危機諮詢。危機熱線 9-8-8,24/7 全天候開放。
- Tompkins County Suicide Prevention Coalition.
- Sophie Fund, Inc. 是一間成立於 2017 年的非營利性慈善公司,旨在支援協助大伊薩卡和湯普金斯郡年輕人的心理健康計劃。它支援多個計劃和專案;提高認識並消除有關精神疾病和治療的恥辱感;在社區中倡導「零自殺」精神;並擔任與精神疾病作鬥爭的年輕人的社區倡導者。
- SAMHSA 全國求助專線,1-800-662-4357(幫助)。求助專線為面臨藥物濫用和精神健康問題的個人和家庭成員提供英語和西班牙語的免費和機密資訊。每天 24 小時,每週 7 天。該網站還有一個位置查找器,可根據輸入的郵遞區號查找最近的治療服務。
- SAMHSA 為應對精神和物質使用障礙的家庭提供的資源
Need help finding help? Dial 2-1-1 (877-211-8667) for supportive referrals.