Environmental Health Division

THE Environmental Health (EH) Division is an educational and regulatory agency dedicated to protect, preserve, and promote the health of the residents of Tompkins County through the natural and man-made environments.

The Environmental Health (EH) Division is an educational and regulatory agency dedicated to protect, preserve, and promote the health of the residents of Tompkins County through the natural and man-made environments.  Contact the EH office at (607) 274-6688, or inquire by email.

Some activities are partly funded by user fees.

Permits & Payments:


費用表點擊此處下載 PDF,或致電 (607) 274-6688 聯絡 EH 辦事處,或透過電子郵件查詢

Save Time! Understand the process before you submit your permit application.

EH 管理:

  • 透過電話 (607) 274-6688 或 電子郵件聯絡我們。
  • 費用表(PDF)
       » 營運許可、計劃審查、開發和其他費用


Children's Camps: 
Permits required.

Food Program: 
Permits required.


線上更新您的 FSE 許可證: 點擊此處


Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS): 
Permits required.


Rabies Control: 
Pet vaccination required.


  • Rabies page
  • 狂犬病疫苗接種診所 - 所有寵物必須接種狂犬病疫苗。EH 每年 3 次贊助全郡各地的免費狂犬病疫苗接種診所,即春季、秋季和冬季。
  • 報告狗或貓咬傷
  • 紐約州狂犬病疫苗接種法
  • 報告野生動物中可能發生狂犬病的個案
  • 家裡有蝙蝠

Sanitary Code


Swimming Pools & Beaches: 
Permits required.



在工作場所、公共場所和向未成年人銷售商品的零售場所 (ATUPA) 中執行法律。調查投訴並進行教育。

Permits required.



Additional Services and Links

Services and Activities

  • Communicable Disease Control: Investigate and analyze all food and water-borne illnesses.
  • Environmental Health Emergencies: Investigate situations which may cause public health problems.
  • Mobile Home Parks: Inspect for safety, sanitation, and drinking water quality.
  • Recreation Facilities: Inspect for adequate staffing, fire safety, drinking and swimming water quality.
  • Residential Development: Approve residential developments, sewer and water extensions, and treatment plants to ensure safe and healthy communities.
  • Sewage (See OWTS)
