TCCOG Actions/Resolutions

Resolution No. 2024-01 - Resolution on County Wide Emergency Response 
Motion No. 001-2024 - Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Formally Supports the Food Systems Plan and Their Initiatives
Resolution No. 2024-02 - Emergency Medical Services (EMS) as an Essential Service
Resolution No. 2024-03 - Opposing Increasing Maximum Weight and Length Limits for Commercial Trucks on Interstate Highways
Motion No. 001- 2023  - A Resolution Urging Governor Hochul to Veto Pending Legislation (S3505B and A4282B) That Would Impact the Timing of Local Elections 
Motion No. 001- 2022 - Establishing a Cyber Security and Municipal Information Technology Services Subcommittee 
Res. No. 001-2021 - Establishing Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Broadband Committee 
Res. No. 002-2021 - Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Petition New York State Legislature to Amend Public Officers Law § 103 (c)
Res. No. 003-2021 - Urging New York State to Issue an Executive Order Allowing for Remote Attendance at Public Meetings  
Res. No. 004-2021 - Resolution to Urge AVANGRID Real Estate/New York State Electric and Gas (NYSEG) to Stop the Auction Process at Bell Station, Town of Lansing, Tompkins County 
Res. No. 005-2021 - Resolution Urging New York State Governor Kathy Hochul to Sign Legislation Establishing the New York State (NYS Rural Ambulance Task Force
Motion 001-2021 - Appointment of Mark Witmer as the Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Liaison Representative on the Transit Committee 
Motion 002-2021 - Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Formally Recognizes and Thanks Irene Weiser
Motion 003-2021 - Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Authorizes Mark Witmer, Co-Chair, to Formally Submit a Written Request to Chairwoman Leslyn McBean-Clairborne Requesting the Tompkins County Legislature Allow TCCOG Representation and the Opportunity to Participate in the County Administrator Search 
Motion 004-2021 - Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Recognizes and Appreciates The Relationship Established Between Jason Molino, County Administrator, and the Municipalities Throughout Tompkins County  
Motion 005-2021 - Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) to urge the TCCOG Broadband Committee to Schedule a Special Meeting to Discuss The Latest Developments, the Memorandum from the Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability Department dated August 6, 2021, and the Ramifications of the Memorandum
Motion 006-2021 - Election of Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Leadership - 2022
Motion 007-2021 - Establishment of 2022 Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Meeting Dates 
Res. No. 001-2020 - Release of Restricted Monies Within the Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Reserve Fund
Res. No. 002-2020 - Resolution Urging the Tompkins County Legislature to Call Upon New York State to Allocate Funding to Local Municipalities to Support the Provision of Rural Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Motion 001-2020 - Election of 2020 Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Leadership
Motion 002-2020 - 2020 Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Meeting Dates   
Motion 003-2020 - Approval Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Subcommittees, Initial Membership, and Structure Outline 
Motion 004-2020 - Revised 2020 Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Meeting Dates
Motion 005-2020 - Sponsoring of Educational Community Forum Regarding the Fifth Generation Technology Standard for Cellular Networking (5G)
Motion 006-2020 - Urge the Tompkins County Legislature to Reconsider the Resolution Entitled Directing the County Attorney to Prepare a Local Law Changing the Term of Office for Tompkins County Legislators Elected in November 2021 to a Two-year Term With a Return to Four-year Terms Thereafter
Motion 007-2020 -  Support and Advocate for the Extension of the Executive Order Concerning Remote Meeting Attendance of Public Meetings
Motion 008-2020 -  Support the Initiatives to Transition Addressing Responsibilities from Municipalities to Tompkins County GIS Division and a Memorandum of Understanding for Shared Services Between Municipalities to Provide Assistance with Services Across Municipal Borders in the Event a Municipal Official were Unable to Provide the Necessary Services 
Motion 009-2020 -  Election of 2021 Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) Leadership 
Res. No. 001-2019 - Resolution Stating Opposition to Governor's Budget Eliminating AIM (Aid and Incentives to Municipalities) Funding
Res. No. 002-2019 - Urging United States Congress to Pass the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act (H.R. 763)
Res. No. 003-2019 - Resolution of the Tompkins County Council of Governments in Support of New York State Assembly and Senate Bills to Establish a Process for the Adoption of an Environmental Bill of Rights
Res. No. 004-2019 - Include Volunteer Fire and Emergency Medical Service Companies to Participate in the TC3 Training Academy
Res. No. 005-2019 - Endorsement of Letter Requesting Staff to Coordinate Water Quality Efforts throughout the County
Motion 001-2019 - Endorse Tompkins County Area Transit's Funding Proposal Under the Low or No Emission Grant Program (Low-No) As Part of Efforts to Transition to Transition to an Electric Fleet

Motion 001-2018 - Appointments to Emergency Response Oversight Committee
Motion 002-2018 - Endorse Proposal to Suspend Local Board of Assessment Review as Presented by Jay Franklin
Res. No. 001-2017 - Resolution Establishing a TCCOG Community Choice Aggregation Advisory Committee  
                                  Template Resolution for Municipalities 
otion 001-2017 - Support of TCCOG's Participation in Emergency Response Oversight Committee
Motion 002-2017 - Election of 2018 Leadership
Res. No. 001-2016 - Resolution Calling on Governor Cuomo and the New York State Legislature to Raise the Minimum Wage to $15/Hour Statewide
Res. No. 002-2016 - Resolution Urging the New York State Public Service Commission to Allow Customers to Retain Ownership of Renewable Energy Credits from NYSERDA Funded Projects
Res. No. 003-2016 - Resolution in Support of Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, Inc.
Res. No. 004-2016 - Resolution to Establish TCCOG Emergency Medical Services Task Force
Res. No. 005-2015 - Appropriation from TCCOG Reserve Fund to Support the Tompkins County Housing Summit
Res. No. 006-2016 - Approval of Updated Tompkins County Council of Governments Bylaws
es. No. 007-2016 - Accepting and Adopting the Report of the Tompkins County Municipal Courts Task Force and Thanking its Members for their Service
Res. No. 008-2016 - Establishment of TCCOG Energy Task Force (ID #6746)
Motion 001-2016 - Continue to Support the Community Dispute Resolution Center Facilitating Effective Participation in Public Meeting Trainings (1/28/2016)
Motion 002-2016 - Approval to Sponsor a Forum for Elected Officials to Learn about a Constitutional Convention
Motion 003-2016 - Create Energy Task Force
Motion 004-2016 - Appointment of Members to the Emergency Services Task Force
Motion 005-2016 - Appoint TCCOG Representative to TCAT Transit Services Committee
Motion 006-2016 - Selection of TCCOG 2017 Leadership
Res. No. 001-2015 - Recommending a Panel Undertake a Study of the Town and Village Court System Within Tompkins County for the Purpose of Assessing Potential Organizational Realignments That May Result in Cost or Qualitative Improvements
Res. No. 002-2015 - Resolution of the Tompkins County Council of Governments Declaring Freedom from Domestic Violence as a Human Right
Res. No. 003-2015 - Resolution in Support of Grant Application to Create a Web-based Mapping System as Part of the Trails Mapping Project
Res. No. 004-2015 - Reaffirming Support for a Single-Payer Approach to Controlling Health Care Costs and Ensuring Everyone is Covered and Urging the New  York State Assembly and Senate to Enact the New York Health Act A5062 (Gottfried/S.3525 (Perkins)
Res. No. 005-2015 - Endorsing the Development and Submission of a Single, Countywide Government Efficiency Plan, Establishing Tompkins County as Lead Entity in the Development of the Plan, and Encouraging all Local Governments within Tompkins County to be Signatories to the Countywide Plan
Motion No. 001-2015 -  Approve Selection of the Municipal Court Study Panel to the Shared Services Group
Motion No. 002-2015 - Authorization for Co-Chairs to Sign Letter Expressing Opposition to the Proposed Merger of Time Warner Cable with Charter Communications
Motion No. 003-2015 - Acceptance of Invitation by TCAT Executive Committee to Provide TCCOG with a Voting Seat on the Transit Services Committee
Res. No.  001-2014 - Resolution in Support of Forming a County-Wide Task Force to Assist Municipalities in Researching, Prioritizing and Addressing Sustainability Issues
Res. No. 002-2014 - Urging State Leadership to Rescind Look-Back Period Associated with the Property Tax Freeze Legislation
Motion 001-2014 - Approval of funding for videotaping Public Forum on the New York State Energy Plan to be held on March 5, 2014
Motion 002-2014 - Approval of Request for Sponsorship and Videotaping by Chris McConkey - Energy Plan Forum to be held at the Unitarian Church on held March 23, 2014
Motion 003-2014 -  Authorize the Chair of TCCOG to send a letter to Comcast objecting to the merger of Time Warner Cable with Comcast until franchise agreements have been signed by Time Warner Cable
Motion 004-2014 - Reappointment of Ric Dietrich to Tompkins County Emergency Planning Committee
Res. No. 001-2013 - Support of a Moratorium and Support of Assembly Bill A5424A and Senate Bill S04236A Requiring Completion of a Comprehensive Health Impact Assessment
Res. No. 002-2013 - Supporting NYS Bills A1046 and S00674 Calling for Uniform Treatment of Hazardous Wastes
Motion 001-2013 - Approval to Sponsor April 16, 2013 Presentation entitled "The Effect of Gas Drilling Human and Animal Health"
Motion 002-2013 - Approve funding in the amount of $250 for video taping of the April 16, 2013, presentation at the Unitarian Church on "Impacts of Gas Drilling on Human & Animal Health"
Motion 003-2013 -  Approve funding in the amount of $300 for videotaping of the October 30, 2013, presentation about the potential for the recovery of gas from Marcellus and Utica Shale
Res. No. 001-2012 - Resolution Urging the Governor and the New York State Legislature to Develop a Blend of Revenue Streams and Other Taxation of Natural Gas Extraction and to Establish an accurate, Transparent, and Verifiable Method of Measuring and Reporting Shale Gas Production
Res. No. 002-2012 - Supporting Passage and Enactment of New York State Senate Bill S4616 (Avella)/New York State Assembly Bill A7013 (Sweeney), to Amend the New York State Environmental Conservation Law in Relation to the Uniform Treatment of Waste
Res. No. 003-2012 - Authorization to Join the Environmental Working Group as Signatory on Letter to the U.S. Consumer Protection Bureau Relating to the Impact of Oil and Gas Leases on Property Values and Mortgages
Res. No. 004-2012 - Support of the Tompkins County Legislature's Ban on the Use of Hydrofracking By-Product Bring on County Roads and Property 
Res. No. 005-2012 - Requesting an Extension of Time for Review of the Revised Regulations for High Volume Hydraulic Fracturing
Motion 001-2012 - Approval of Payment at Road Preservation Forum
Motion 002-2012- Appropriate $250 from the Tompkins County Council of Governments Reserve Fund to offset funds of Public Information Meeting to help public and municipalities understand areas of concern within the new hydrofracking regulations
Res. No. 001-2011 - Urging New York State to Significantly Cut the Unfunded Mandates that Cause Local Property Tax Increases Before Imposing a Property Tax Cap
Res. No. 002-2011 - Resolution to Commission a Land Use Analysis and Impact Assessment Project (see also Res. No. 003 of 2011)
Res. No. 003-2011 - Appropriation from TCCOG Reserve Fund - Land Use Analysis and Impact Assessment Project
Res. No. 004-2011 -  Resolution to Appropriate Funds from TCCOG Reserve Fund for a Public Hearing on the Revised Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement 
Motion 001-2011 - Approve Gas Drilling Task Force Sponsor Cornell Law School Energy Conference
Motion 002-2011 - Authorize Don Barber, Co-Chair, to sign letter concerning Tompkins County Comprehensive Plan Five-Year Implementation Plan Update (view letter
Motion 003-2011 - Authorize Don Barber, Co-Chair, to sign letter to Commissioner Joe Martens, NYSDEC, regarding public comment period for the revised draft SGEIS on the Oil, Gas and Solution Mining Regulatory Program for the Marcellus Shale Gas Drilling (view letter)
Motion 004-2011 - Move forward with placing the resolution entitled “Resolution to Fund a Public Hearing on the Revised dSGEIS on the next agenda with a proposed amount of $1,000
Motion 005-2011 - Establish Date of the Public Hearing on the Revised Supplemental Generic Environmental Impact Statement 
Motion 006-2011 - Approve $250 as the Voluntary Contribution to the funding reserve for the Tompkins County Council of Governments (TCCOG) for 2012 
Res. No. 001-2010 - Resolution by the Tompkins County Council of Governments to Accept the County-wide Intermunicipal Water and Sewer Feasibility Study
Res. No. 002-2010 - Resolution in Support of Convening a County-Wide Task Force to Assist Municipalities in Preparing for Drilling Activities Associated with Extraction of Gas from the Marcellus Shale adopted at the April 22, 2010 meeting.
Motion - To Authorize the Chair to sign a retainer agreement concerning legal services for cell towers with Silverberg Zalantis the expectation that the cost per municipality would be under $1,500.  
Res. No. 003-2010 - Resolution to Establish a TCCOG Funding Reserve
Appointment: Ric Dietrich to the Emergency Planning Committee as the TCCOG representative
Res. No. 001-2009 - The Tompkins County Council of Governments' Support of the Greater Tompkins County Health Insurance Consortium Developed with Assistance of a New York Shared Municipal Services Program Grant Sample resolution for municipalities 
Res. No. 002-2009 - Support of the Council of Governments' Appointment of Interim Chair for the Greater Tompkins County Health Insurance Consortium
Res. No. 003-2009 - Approval of Becoming a Member of the Finger Lakes Environmentally Preferred Procurement Consortium (FLEPPC)
Res. No. 004-2009 - Recommending Agreement for Third Party Administrator for Health Insurance - Tompkins County Health Insurance Consortium
Appointment: Glenn Morey as the Tompkins County Council of Governments representative to the Environmentally Preferred Procurement Consortium
Res. No. 005-2009 - In Support of New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Reasonable Access Highway Regulation (Amendment of Part 80000 of Title 17 of the Codes, Rules, and Regulations of the State of New York) 
Appointment: Recommendation that Cindy Schulte continue to represent municipal government on the Water Resources Council 
Res. No. 006-2009 - Comments to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation on Draft Supplemental GEIS 
Motion:To Direct Chair to request extension of Comment Period for dSGEIS
Res. No. 001-2008 - Shared Municipal Services Incentive Health Benefits Grant – Legal Counsel Consulting Services for TCCOG
Res. No. 002-2008 - Acceptance of Grant and Endorsement of Memorandum of Understanding by Tompkins County Council of Governments - Water and Sewer Infrastructure (Version for municipalities to consider)
Res. No. 003-2008 - Accepting Formula for Dog Control Expenses
Res. No. 004-2008 - Calling on the Governor and State Legislature to End the Practice of Passing Costs for the State Programs to Local and County Governments
Res. No. 001-2007 - In Support of Changing the County Fire Advisory Board Bylaws to Modify Membership
Res. No. 002-2007 - Supporting Measures to Keep Long Haul Trucks on Interstate Highways in Upstate New York, as Proposed by Senator Charles E. Schumer
Res. No. 003-2007 - Support of an Infrastructure Study Conducted by Tompkins County Area Development 
Res. No. 004-2007 - Selection of SMSI Consultant
Motion - To allow Tompkins County to send out RFQ on SMSI Grant - Health Insurance Benefits