Genealogy Research

Generally, the Tompkins County Health Department provides uncertified transcripts of the following types of records for genealogy research purposes:

  • Birth certificates - if on file for at least 75 years and the person whose name is on the birth certificate is known to be deceased. Also, no information shall be released from a record of birth which has been placed in a confidential file pursuant to Public Health Law Section 4138.
  • Death certificates - if on file for at least 50 years.

Birth and death records for all areas of Tompkins County are from 1880 to present with the exception of the following:

  • Village of Dryden: 1887–present
  • Village of Freeville: 1894–present
  • Town of Ithaca Births: 1886–present
  • Town of Ithaca Deaths: 1893–present
  • Town of Ulysses: 1922–present
  • Village of Trumansburg: 1914–present

Are the time periods ever waived?

The time periods are waived for direct-line ancestors. A direct line ancestor is a person in the direct line of descent, i.e., the child, grandchild, great grandchild of the person whose record is requested. The direct-line ancestor applicant must provide the following:

  • Proof of their relationship to the person whose record they are requesting.
  • Proof of the death of the person whose birth certificate they are requesting.

A person who has been designated to act on behalf of a descendant of the person whose record is being requested may also obtain the above. However, a party acting on behalf of a descendant must provide documentation that the descendant authorized the party to make such application.

What is the fee for a genealogy transcript?

The standard fee for a genealogy transcript is $22. This includes a three-year search of the index, the retrieval and re-filing of the records and either a transcript of the record or a no record report. When more than a three-year search is requested, the fee is higher.

Period Searched Fee
1 to 3 years
4 to 10 years
11 to 20 years
21 to 30 years
31 to 40 years
41 to 50 years
51 to 60 years
61 to 70 years
71 to 80 years
81 to 90 years

Fee schedule effective 1/1/2010

The fee applies separately to each record requested. For example, the fee for a request consisting of one birth record (1-year search @ $22), plus one death record (25-year search @ $82), is a total of $104.

Please note that a refund is made if the record is found in under the specified search period.

How long will it take?

Processing a genealogy request may take from four (4) to six (6) months.

How do I place an order for a genealogy transcript?

Click here for an Application

Mail your completed application to:

Tompkins County 衛生局
55 Brown Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

Other Potential Genealogical Sources: Click here