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COVID-19 检测

NYS Documentation of Isolation Orders Affirmation of Isolation for adults and children who have tested positive for COVID-19 and have been in isolation consistent with NYSDOH guidance. Click here for a fill-in PDF form.



If you, or someone you're with develops any of the symptoms common for COVID-19, you should get tested for the virus that causes COVID-19 regardless of your vaccination status. These include, but are not limited to the following:

  • 发烧或发冷
  • 咳嗽或呼吸困难
  • 疲劳
  • 肌肉或身体疼痛
  • 头痛
  • 新丧失味觉或嗅觉
  • 鼻塞、流鼻涕或喉咙痛
  • 恶心、呕吐或腹泻


  • 密切接触: 如果在过去 2 周内,您曾接触过 COVID-19 检测结果为阳性或近期感染过病毒的人,请接受检测。 
  • 即将进行手术:在进行手术之前,请根据医疗服务提供者的说明,确定何时安排检测。


  • 电话联系您的医疗保健提供者。
  • 如果您没有医疗保健提供者,或者需要医疗保险方面的帮助,请拨打 2-1-1 (607-273-8686) 求助。
  • 访问以下网站: 纽约州卫生部疾控中心的检测页面


经过数月的审查后,我们发现伊萨卡购物中心(凯瑟伍德路 40 号)的卡尤加卫生系统采样点的使用量已经明显下降。因此,该采样点在 2023 年 5 月 5 日星期五关闭。卡尤加卫生系统继续在医生办公室提供公共 PCR(实验室认证)检测,包括在快速诊所(伊萨卡布伦特伍德大道 8 号)的上门就诊服务。社区其他医疗保健提供者也继续提供 PCR 检测。阅读 2023 年 4 月 28 日新闻稿以了解更多信息。

Low or No-Cost PCR tests at select local pharmacies: Click here for locations. Contact the pharmacy directly for more information. 

Rheonix Laboratories (30 Brown Road, Ithaca): Nasal or Saliva testing; insurance billed. Click here for more information or call 607-252-6424.

Changes in funding for PCR testing: The Federal Emergency Declaration funding ends on May 11, 2023 and PCR test funding by the Tompkins County Legislature ended in January 2023. These changes may result in changes to your health insurance coverage for PCR or lab confirmed tests, such as responsibility for co-pays. It is recommended that you speak with your workplace HR or benefits office, or your insurance provider to find out the cost prior to seeking a PCR test. Health insurance coverage requires that the situation fit the criteria for being medically necessary.



WHAT: Self-tests or at-home test kits (also sometimes referred to as Antigen tests) are one of the many prevention tools we can use to stop of the spread of COVID-19, along with vaccination, masking, and physical distancing. They are able to signal current infection using a qualitative detection of the nucleocapsid protein antigen from SARS-CoV-2, providing information about the risk of spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. Typically a nasal swab is used to collect the sample.

WHERE: Self-test kits are available over the counter at many pharmacies and online — no prescription needed. Note that the County no longer has free self-test kits, effective 4/4/2024. The County had been delivering test kits provided by NYS for free distribution by local libraries and other municipal centers, subject to availability. Click here for more information.

当您进行自测时,请严格按照产品说明进行操作,尽量减少错误或无效结果。  Download a self-test check list (PDF).


  • 自测的建议对象: 症状,并且目前需要快速获得结果,以确认是否感染病毒或增强自身对 COVID-19 阴性检测结果信心的人。
  • 在与非同室共户成员在室内聚会之前,您可以进行自测,作为一项预防措施。在与未接种疫苗的人、老年人、免疫功能低下者或重病风险较高的人聚会之前,这一点尤为重要。
  • 如果您有症状或者是密切接触者,建议进行 PCR 检测。如果您有 COVID-19 症状、接触过或可能接触过 COVID-19患者,您可以进行自测,但检测结果不如 PCR 准确。如果您目前需要医疗服务,请联系您的医疗保健提供者以进一步讨论病症。


  • Prepare to take the test by reading and following the manufacturer’s instructions exactly to minimize false or invalid results. Wash hands with soap and water and thoroughly clean surfaces where you’ll take the test. Be sure to know what the results will look like on your brand of test.  
  • Collect your sample by following the instructions exactly. Most self-tests take nasal samples, which require you to swab the inside of your nose for fifteen (15) seconds for each nostril. 
  • Once collected, use the sample exactly as described in the instructions to complete the self-test.
  • Be sure to monitor the timeframe for the reading the test, usually wait 10 minutes and no more than 15 minutes. Some of the test kits refer you to a phone app that leads you through the process and sets a timer for reading the results.


  • 自检出阳性或出现症状(以时间较早者为准)起,您应立即隔离 5 天。隔离后,持续 5 天在周围有他人时佩戴尺寸合身的口罩。 
  • 后续无需进行 PCR 测试。一旦您收到阳性检测结果,无论检测类型如何,您都会被视为阳性病例,需要与他人隔离。


  • 同室共户成员(与您同住的人)发生感染的风险会增加,尤其是传染性更强的奥密克戎变异株。同室共户成员应密切监测自己的症状,尤其是如果他们未接种疫苗、免疫力低下或患有其他潜在疾病。同室共户成员如果有任何疑虑和额外治疗需求,应联系保健医生。
  • 告知密切接触者,他们可能已经暴露。密切接触者定义为在传染期 24 小时内与感染者在 6 英尺以内共处后总时间达到 15 分钟或更长时间的人。
    • 传染期始于出现首个症状前 2 天(如有症状)。
    • 如果您没有症状(无症状),则传染期始于试样采集前 2 天。
  • 密切接触者应密切监测自身症状。如果出现症状,请进行自测或 PCR 检测。
  • 如果您发现任何紧急警告信号,包括呼吸困难、胸部持续疼痛或有压迫感、嘴唇或脸色发青,请立即致电 9-1-1 。

Over-the-counter (OTC) test kits.

  • Before You Throw Out "Expired" Tests, check FDA's website to see if your COVID-19 tests' expiration dates have been extended..
  • A negative result indicates that you may not be infected and may be at low risk of spreading disease to others, though it does not rule out an infection. You may be infected but your "viral load" may not be high enough for the test to pick it up. Also, occasionally a test gives a false negative.
  • Consider repeating the test 24 hours later, especially if you are feeling symptons of COVID-19 or the flu. Test kits frequently include two tests and retesting will increase the confidence of your result.


对于 18-64 岁的大多数阳性病例,病例调查已停止,个人不会接到病例调查员的电话和医学隔离命令。对于实验室认证的 PCR 阳性检测结果,改为通过电子邮件或短信进行后续跟进。以下文件是向雇主或学校出示您或您的抚养人被勒令隔离(您的检测结果为阳性)的有效证明。

实验室认证检测结果为阳性后的纽约州卫生部 (NYSDOH) 文件

  • 纽约州卫生部自我确认医学隔离
  • 如果您出现症状或症状恶化,请联系您的医疗保健执业者并寻求额外护理。




This page last reviewed on April 5, 2024.
