Equity and Diversity

Learn More About Equity and Diversity at Tompkins County


Tompkins County Diversity Statement

Centering Equity"Tompkins County Government centers diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are committed to the empowerment of employees and residents to dismantle systemic barriers that inhibit inclusive governance and the provision of government services to all."

Our Values 

  • Respect: We embrace a safe and inclusive culture and treat each other with dignity, understanding, and compassion. 
  • Accountability: We embrace our vital role as public servants by pursuing excellence while holding ourselves, each other, and the organization responsible for decisions that impact the community.
  • Integrity: We commit to making conscious choices to act ethically in all endeavors, including following through on our commitments, admitting and learning from our mistakes, and being honest with the community and one another.
  • Equity: We sustain a workplace community that ensures fairness through diversity and inclusion by embracing learning and best practices, eliminating structurally oppressive systems, and building trust, appreciation, a sense of belonging, and opportunities for all. 
  • Stewardship: We value our human, financial, and environmental resources and provide services in a manner that responsibly manage and preserve those resources into the future.

Tompkins County Values Logo (Blue).png

Equity & Diversity History: A Commitment to Change

Tompkins County has a longstanding commitment to equity and inclusion, and we continue to build on the foundation laid over the years.

Below is an overview of our journey:

  • 2006: Formation of the Workforce Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Committee (WDIC) 
    Tompkins County passed Resolution No. 227 on December 1, 2006, creating WDIC to advise on diversity and inclusion in employment and service. This committee's work continues to support the County's diversity goals, ensuring compliance with laws and guiding progress in line with the Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Tompkins County Strategic Plan. 
  • 2014: Launch of the Climate Survey 
    The County issued an RFP to design and implement a Climate Survey, capturing insights on work satisfaction, leadership effectiveness, communication, professional development, and inclusiveness, with 447 employee responses. The data collected was pivotal in enhancing communication, building cultural competence, and guiding the County’s career development plan. 
  • 2018: Second Climate Survey & Formation of the Diversity, Inclusion, Infusion (DII) Team 
    Partnering with The Kaleidoscope Group, the County conducted its second Climate Survey, analyzing employee feedback to identify areas for improvement. The DII Team, advocating for systemic change, recommended the County join the Government Alliance on Race & Equity (GARE) and hire a Chief Equity and Diversity Officer (CEDO), which led to the creation of Team JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion). 
  • 2020: Formation of Team JEDI 
    In July 2020, Team JEDI was established, consisting of 34 volunteer members from 22 departments across Tompkins County. Team JEDI operates on values of respect, diversity, social justice, and equity. Its mission is to foster an inclusive environment in Tompkins County by embedding DEI principles across operations, services, and policies. 
  • 2024: Expansion of DEI Leadership 
    Tompkins County appointed its second CEDO in 2024, building on the work of the inaugural CEDO, who led efforts on racial equity and public safety. Under the guidance of the second CEDO, the County continues to embed equity across all aspects of its operations, ensuring that systemic changes take root throughout the organization. 

Key Resources

  • Explore the Inaugural Institutionalizing Equity Report 
    Our first-ever Institutionalizing Equity Report offers a detailed overview of our DEI initiatives, metrics, and future goals. It provides the strategic direction for embedding equity into all levels of County operations. Read the Report Here (COMING SOON)
  • Equity & Diversity Newsletter 
    Stay informed about the latest DEI initiatives, updates, and resources through our monthly newsletter. You’ll find important insights, upcoming events, and featured stories about DEI progress within Tompkins County. Newsletter Archive(PDF, 1MB) (PDF, 1MB)
  • Other DEI Resources 
    Explore additional tools, guidelines, and resources that support our ongoing commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This includes training opportunities, workshops, and support materials for employees and the community. Access DEI Resources(PDF, 203KB) 
Join Us in Building an Inclusive Future 
Tompkins County’s commitment to DEI is a shared effort. We encourage all employees and community members to get involved, engage in ongoing conversations, and contribute to the work we are doing to dismantle systemic barriers and create an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. 
Thank you for being part of this important work. We look forward to continuing this journey with you.