Tompkins Workforce New York Career Center is located at 171 E. State Street, Suite 241, in the Center Ithaca building on the Commons in downtown Ithaca. The Career Center is open Monday-Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm and closed for federal holidays.
The most convenient place to park is in the Green Street Parking Garage, which is adjacent and accessible to the Center Ithaca Building. Other parking options are the Seneca Street Garage or the Cayuga Street Garage or street parking. The addresses and hourly rates for all three garages are listed at the bottom.
Once you have arrived on the Ithaca Commons, enter the Center Ithaca building (the building with the red exclamation point). Tompkins Workforce New York Career Center is located on the 2nd Floor, Suite 241. Upon entering the building, you will be on the first floor. Proceed to the back right corner and you will find stairs and the elevator.
If you take the elevator, go to the second floor. When you step out of the elevator, walk straight ahead and then turn left; the atrium will be on your right. Turn left again at the end of the hall. Tompkins Workforce New York Career Center, Suite 241, will be the first door on the right. If you take the stairs, go up two levels (past the mezzanine level) to the second floor at the very top of the stairs. When you reach the top of the stairs, turn left. The atrium will be on your right. At the end of the hall, turn left. Tompkins Workforce New York Career Center, Suite 241, will be the first door on the right. Please sign in at the greeter desk.
- Green Street Garage: 120 East Green Street Hourly: $1.00/ hour
- Seneca Street Garage: 202 E. Seneca Street Hourly: $1.00/ hour
- Cayuga Street Garage: 235 South Cayuga Street Hourly: $1.00/ hour
- On-street parking is $1.50/hour and is enforced from 9AM - 6PM, Monday through Friday