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Phòng Sức khỏe Toàn diện Quận Tompkins

 In Crisis? Dial 9-8-8   Veterans Crisis Line dial 988 then PRESS 1.  
 If there is anyone in imminent danger, dial 9-1-1. Additional contacts.

Logo Phòng Sức khỏe Toàn diện Quận Tompkins

Các tòa nhà sức khỏe tâm thần và sức khỏe cộng đồng nằm cạnh nhau

Các Phòng Y tế và Sức khỏe Tâm thần của QUẬN TOMPKINS đã hợp nhất để trở thành Phòng Sức khỏe Toàn diện Quận Tompkins.

SỨ MỆNH CỦA CHÚNG TÔI là xây dựng một cộng đồng lành mạnh, bình đẳng ở Quận Tompkins bằng cách giải quyết các nguyên nhân gốc rễ của tình trạng bất bình đẳng về y tế đồng thời tích hợp sức khỏe tinh thần, thể chất và môi trường. (Xem trang Giới thiệu để biết thêm chi tiết.)

Cả hai địa điểm, 201 East Green St. và 55 Brown Rd., đều phục vụ khách hàng cho nhiều chương trình Sức khỏe Toàn diện.

Families, Children & Youth

RAISING a family takes a village. TCWH services support the care of children, youth, and their families. Programs provide care and support before, during and after pregnancy, and for children in their growth and development, including immunizations, nutrition education and breastfeeding support, mental health services, speech therapy, and physical therapy. 

Người lớn

Mental health is integral to  well-being. TCWH provides mental health services for adults, including counseling, medication assisted therapy or management, and group programs. On-site clinics provide immunizations for uninsured and underinsured adults. 

Gọi số 988 để trao đổi với cố vấn 24/7 bất cứ khi nào bạn hoặc người thân gặp khủng hoảng.

Chương trình cộng đồng

Whole Health supports a healthy community for all Tompkins County residents. Our programs bring prevention measures to homes and public places through education and policy. Community health workers go directly to residents and community groups to provide on-going connection and support.

Giấy phép và hướng dẫn về sức khỏe môi trường

ENVIRONMENTAL Health supports overall community wellness and public safety. The Environmental Health team -inspects and issues operating permits for all food served to the public, public pools and summer camps, public water supplies and residential septic systems, clean indoor air, and tobacco retailers to prevent underage sales. They are on call 24/7, responding to emergency needs such as exposure to rabies or other environmental hazards.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB)

TOMPKINS County Whole Health embraces the County’s vision for continued education and implementation of DEIB initiatives to advance health equity. Our Community Health Improvement Plan identifies health disparities and opportunities to inform programs and services.

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Thông cáo báo chí gần đây

Newly Launched Anti-Vaping Campaign Reminds Youth to Keep Your Focus, Not Your Fix

(4/18/2024) Over the past 5 weeks, young people in Tompkins County saw hundreds of posters featuring blurred images of everyday life changed overnight to reveal focused images of youth enjoying sports, reading, classroom activities, friends, and family – activities that can be negatively impacted by vaping and nicotine use. The poster switch-out is part of the “Keep your focus, not your fix” campaign launched earlier this year to discourage vaping and share resources for those looking to quit. The message urges youth to “save their breath” for the activities they enjoy.

Use of e-cigarettes remains prevalent among Tompkins County youth. In fact, nicotine-based vapes are shown to be one of the most used substances among middle and high school students county-wide. E-cigarettes contain nicotine, a highly addictive chemical that is particularly harmful to adolescent brain development.

The anti-vaping campaign was created by Tompkins County Whole Health in partnership with Tobacco Free Zone and the Community Coalition for Healthy Youth with the goal of reducing e-cigarette use among county youth. The concept was inspired by local youth, who offered creative guidance throughout the process.

Whole Health Commissioner Frank Kruppa stated, “As our Tobacco Free Tompkins slogan has long stated, 'We cannot afford another generation of tobacco addiction.' TCWH applauds the efforts of this collaboration between TCWH, Reality Check, and the Coalition for Healthy Youth to implement this awareness campaign, developed by and for local youth.”

Additional information and statements are in the full press release.

COVID-19 Update: Conclusion of Free COVID-19 Test Kit Program in Tompkins County; Changes to COVID-19 Data Dashboard

(4/17/2024) The Tompkins County Whole Health (TCWH) free COVID-19 Test Kit Program has come to a close, as of Thursday, April 4th. Commissioner of TCWH Frank Kruppa stated, “TCWH thanks our community libraries, municipal centers and non-profits agencies for their partnership in distributing these essential resources. With their support, TCWH has distributed over 275,000 test kits to the community, free of cost, as a public safety measure.”

TCWH is also announcing a change in our COVID-19 Data Dashboard, to go into effect on Monday, April 22, 2024. Since the start of the pandemic, the COVID-19 dashboard has informed the community about disease prevalence. Our new presentation will show the trend in positive COVID-19 tests, with data points for 7-day totals of both PCR and Antigen tests. TCWH will no longer be providing hospitalization rates; hospitalization rates for both COVID-19 and Flu continue to be monitored by the NYS Department of Health.

Additional information and important precautions are in the full press release.

Whole Health Releases 5-Year Unintentional Fatal Overdose Data

(3/19/2024) Tompkins County Whole Health (TCWH) has published data on Unintentional Fatal Overdoses (2019-2023) in order to demonstrate trends and provide relevant demographic information about those who died from drug overdose during the last five years. Medical Examiner records identify an unintentional fatal overdose as an immediate cause of death.

“Our goal is to help the community better understand the ongoing overdose crisis, potential solutions, and opportunities for more targeted interventions,” stated Whole Health Commissioner Frank Kruppa

Additional information and statements are in the full press release.

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Sự kiện & thông báo

Job OpeningS:
Open seats on the Community Health Services Board. Individuals who want to become involved in mental and behavioral health issues impacting our community are encouraged to apply. More about applying for the CSB is here

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Các dịch vụ khẩn cấp

LIÊN HỆ KHI GẶP TRƯỜNG HỢP KHẨN CẤP HOẶC KHỦNG HOẢNG TÂM LÝ ĐỂ ĐƯỢC TRỢ GIÚP SUỐT 24 GIỜ nếu bạn hoặc ai đó bạn biết cảm thấy cần được nói chuyện với chuyên gia sức khỏe tâm thần:

  • Đối với các trường hợp khẩn cấp đe dọa đến tính mạng, hãy gọi vào số 911
  • Tổng đài phòng chống tự tử quốc gia, gọi số 988 1-800-273-8255 
  • Tổng đài tin nhắn khi gặp khủng hoảng tâm lý, soạn HOME gửi đến 741-741. 
  • Tổng đài dịch vụ ngăn ngừa tự tử và chăm sóc khủng hoảng tâm lý của Ithaca, 1-607-272-1616.
  • Veterans Crisis Line, for Veterans and their loved ones, DIAL 9-8-8 then Press 1, or text 838255.
    Visit for online chat and more. 

Naloxone use and access

THÔNG BÁO:  Phòng Sức khỏe Toàn diện Quận Tompkins hết sức nỗ lực để đăng lên thông tin chính xác và đáng tin cậy. Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi không đảm bảo hay cam kết những thông tin trên trang web này là đầy đủ, chính xác hoặc cập nhật. Quận Tompkins sẽ không chịu trách nhiệm pháp lý trong bất kỳ trường hợp nào đối với bất kỳ khiếu nại hoặc thiệt hại nào phát sinh trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp từ những thông tin được trình bày ở đây. Vui lòng liên hệ với khu vực chương trình qua điện thoại hoặc liên hệ với lễ tân theo số 607-274-6600 để biết thêm thông tin.